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Posts posted by Scribble

  1. 2 hours ago, Millennium said:

    There are still like 4 more staff events I added on Trello that just need devs to do them when they get to them.

    no access so cant see whats there


    2 hours ago, Scribble said:

    Server event ideas

    We are always looking for new events to create. If you have an idea for an event you'd like us to make, you can submit your ideas here.

    I have put together a small event team and we have been working on a ton of new ideas for server events.

    We have a few brand new big things coming out soon.

    this might help so you know its a link 

  2. Server event ideas

    We are always looking for new events to create. If you have an idea for an event you'd like us to make, you can submit your ideas here.

    I have put together a small event team and we have been working on a ton of new ideas for server events.

    We have a few brand new big things coming out soon.

    • Like 2
    • +1 1
  3. On 7/25/2023 at 6:52 PM, Grizzly said:

    Lmao yeah thatd suck, fun fact that im proud of tho out of every Sr RnR member I have the 3rd most amount of flight test completed I'm only 26 test from #1 which is held by Lime, Also 20 from #2 which is help by @ Scribble

    guess i need to be active again to keep top tests

    • Haha 1
  4. On 6/13/2023 at 11:05 PM, dusti said:

    The other day I started recieving a Battle eye initialization failed error every time I try to log into olympus #1 but I can play any other server with  no  problem. I've tried almost any fix you could think of other than factory resetting my pc. I got into teamspeak with a dev and even he didn't know what was happening. If anyone has info that could help me figure this out it would be greatly apprietiated.

    i already told you to restart your internet and it fixed it

  5. Gang Wars XIX

    Final update

    Just a reminder for everyone playing in gang wars when you login to TeamSpeak for Gang Wars you MUST have your gang tags in your TeamSpeak name and use the same name as registered for Gang Wars.

    When you login there is a channel called GW Waiting Lobby wait in there to be moved into your proper teams channel.


    Gang Wars start time: Tomorrow, Sunday December 11th at 1pm EST

    Time zones: 1pm EST - Noon CST - 11am MT - 10am PST - 6pm EU - 4am AU

    All players will need to be in TeamSpeak 1 hour before Gang Wars starts (See times above) to make sure everyone is clear on the rules and knows how everything is going to work.

    You will be given a server password to your team prior to your match.

    Each team will have a dedicated event team member for assistance for rules, how to do something or just general questions.

    Gang Wars stream will start at 11:30 CST at https://www.twitch.tv/olympusentertainment

    Between each match we will be doing a giveaway for Olympus money, war points, vehicles and items. You must be a follower to the Olympus Twitch to win.

    Everyone is allowed to enter the giveaways including Gang Wars players. You can download chatty https://chatty.github.io/ which is just a twitch text chat only to save your frames if you plan on participating in the giveaways during the stream or just use normal twitch.

    We will also be doing a in stream betting mini game for each match with fake in stream currency. To gain stream currency you can use the chatty app above to afk https://www.twitch.tv/olympusentertainment and/or following the stream.

    There will be a delay in the stream to help prevent meta-gaming.

    Below is the final roster and bracket. If the name is white they are the main 8 roster players, If the name is blue they are sub players that will play if one of the main 8 aren't available to play and if the name is red they are banned and not eligible to play.



    @ Ryan need final stream checks

    • Like 3
  6. Yes we all know some players in Gang Wars have been banned.

    No, that does not effect the rosters.

    During registration the "gang leader" section is pretty much just a "team leader" section that will be leading that team for gang wars. Also why the same gang over 8 players could make 2 roster submissions just with a new leader.

    We had you add the additional sub players for this exact reason if someone got banned, couldn't play, didn't show up etc.

    You needed a minimum of 6 players to register for Gang Wars, most or all of the teams have 11 plus all the people that signed up solo looking for teams to play with. Everyone should have a full 8 player team with at least a couple subs.

    All the teams are still active and playing Gang Wars, just for the teams with banned players, we are adjusting the rosters to take out the banned players and adding the sub players to the main roster.

    If you are still confused or have questions feel free to message me or comment anything on here.

    • Like 2
  7. GWXIX bracket & Meeting

    • OG attackers vehicles will be 2 frits and 2 quilins
    • Church walls will be knockable
    • All ifrits will be the Olympus main server style with only 1 smoke.

    Round 1:

    Match 1: Southern Shiners vs Waste Management (Map: OG, WM defending)

    Match 2: CoB vs _Default (Map: OG, _Default defending)

    Round 2:

    Match 3: Auto Pilots vs Notorious (Map: Church, Auto Pilots defending)

    Match 4: Tilde vs TrainRunnerZ (Map: OG, Tilde defending)

    All other matches and maps have been predetermined on "what if" and a random map chosen from OG, Church or Alpha Cap.

    Gang Wars XIX will be on Sunday, December 11th at 1pm EST at https://www.twitch.tv/olympusentertainment

    During the stream will will be giving away prizes to the viewers. You must be following the stream to win.

    The last day to make any changes to your roster is Sunday, December 4th. To make any changes contact @ Scribble


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