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Everything posted by Rappy

  1. Rappy

    .50 cal giveaway

  2. 25
  3. Enter
  4. Everyone's always comparing E-penes smh
  5. +1 I actually really enjoy robbing gas stations tbh
  6. Honestly it's a few more pixels in a game that you're missing, the server had an issue with bohemia interactive and it's fixed now. Why does everyone care so much to personally attack two nice players of the server, one of which has been playing for years over a fucking pilot helmet? A pilot helmet in a virtual world that gives you minimal advantages over others in this same video game? There wasn't even any proof of Sv reporting the server but it honestly doesn't matter. It's pathetic people are so outraged they lost their precious pilot helmets and a 20 percent discount on weapons or whatever, that they have to start a full on war and whine to get, like I said 2 nice, previously respected members of OUR community removed or what-not. It's their's too, all the evidence is circumstancial anyways so who's to say they even did it? It shouldn't even be our concern when bohemia specifically said in the kick message to "Contact the server owner". Just let the staff deal with it in their own way and leave @MrBoonie and @Soverign alone unless you're a staff member. Thank you.
  7. hardly we can no longer block the deerstands in our BW attempts, and your absolute shit at watching underneath my tower xd
  8. when as a deputy can you lethal?
  9. You need to have 28 hours as civ minimum on Olympus before joining the APD, and you don't have to work yourself up from R&R if you don't want to! The APD is great to find people to play with, make money and it is an overall enjoyable experience. Welcome to olympus, and good luck on your endeavors!
  10. Rappy


    welcome to the server!
  11. @Goyneyyy might be able to do it
  12. Rappy

    Hi, I'm Rappy

    I've read 'em xD been playing here for weeks already but thank you anyways!
  13. Hi, I came to Olympus a few weeks ago and I've been loving it since I have joined, I'm a british player and I'm also an APD member (Deputy). I have about 60 civ hours on olympus now and I love it. I have also been playing with a few of my friends in my own gang and have touched upon the cartels here at Olympus, but my friends don't enjoy them sadly However I am always down to fight cartels and do various end game activities if I do find a gang to join and I hopefully will in the near future. For now I'm playing with the APD and I have hopes to become a Patrol Officer soon! A big thanks to everyone who plays here and makes it an enjoyable experience, and I hope to see you all in game!
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