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Pringle Mccringleberry

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Everything posted by Pringle Mccringleberry

  1. Dont ever question the Potato Mr Kerry its powers are beyond imaginable
  2. ill be there and bring the weed what server?
  3. Try and record it is the best advice i could give you. But i feel your pain my computer runs off potatoes and a hamster named tater tot so sadly i cant record
  4. When im in town if it be kavala, pygros, sofia etc i try to never use my tilda key. In my opinion it just makes it boring and seems like im playing robocop which is something i dont enjoy very much. But regarding shady uniforms or clothing i did see a guy in a shemaq once and asked him why he was wearing it what is he trying to hide and it ended up being an amazing RP situation. For those APD members that are all about getting the highest bounty i urge you to try and work on your Roleplaying skills cause i can guarentee it is way more fun for you and the person your interacting with. (Excuse my grammar lol)
  5. I can count to Potato

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I can count to beer + potatoes...

    2. SPBojo


      i can also count to potato

      dosnt it go like this:

      69 - 420 - potato?

      just like the good ol 1 - 2 - 3!

  6. Your right but they could make the technology to heal your nerves and motor functions. Life is so precious and i have no idea what your going through but you have the ability to think atleast I mean look at steven hawking he cant move at all and he has contributed so much to society. I guess what im really trying to say is think about your choice here and in the end i hope you make a full recovery and get well<3
  7. Dont pull the plug SPBojo with advances in technology and medicine you never know what they could do
  8. When you die at a event and lose your weapon at revive just become a motivational speaker and talk to grandma gary about Potatoes

    1. Brennan
    2. Nick5523


      or you can jew some mags off someone who has spare p07 mags and pistol snipe like i did

  9. ROAR has a beautiful voice <3

  10. No i mean when im playing cop and i keep losing my MXC lol
  11. I wish i could get do feds and jails all the time but i always lose my weapon and 30k every death or so is sad face ;(
  12. When Fedot compares a Troll to Hitler lmao 10/10 <3 u Fedot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhostFace


      was not simple math, i still can't figure it out

    3. Brennan


      Fedot 10/10 IGN He isn't comparing the Troll to Hitler, as wise Fedot once said The troll IS Hitler!

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      So.. Hitler = Adam x 10 to the 28th power?

  13. I have decided to go with both u guys can delete this topic or whatever #Yolo#Potatoes
  14. Smoke Weed eryday

    1. Dustin87


      Smoke potatoes?

    2. Fedot



  15. #AddPotatoesToAltis

    1. Brennan
    2. Sir Dude

      Sir Dude

      As long as you give me a constant supply of fried taters

  17. my favorite moment was when stealth kidnapped me stole my kidney than flew up to 5000 meters and told me to jump XD
  18. Potato. Potato, lovely and round, You come out of the ground. Peel off the rot, and put it in the pot. Go to a seat, and get ready to eat. If they are made precise, They should be nice.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. DeathDingo


      How is the potato business these days??

    3. Sir Dude

      Sir Dude

      From reading this I feel like I just read a porno and them smoked some weed....

    4. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      That is a true statement sir dude a true statement indeed

  19. Baby come back!!! #VirusIsBae Virus and Potatoes together could rule the universe

    1. SPBojo


      fak da tatoes m9

    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      Da fl33k d1d u just s@yz

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