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Senior Map Designer
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Everything posted by Doke

  1. Doke

    WTB 338 SUP

    Or don’t
  2. Doke

    WTB 338 SUP

  3. Doke

    o7 wiki

    O7 brooda
  4. I7-10700k 3080 64gb ram 3600mhz 2tb m.2 gen 4
  5. Can’t wait for doc to try and go undercover with his accent he ain’t fooling anyone @TheDoc
  6. Doke

    Buying RPGs

    Selling pm offer
  7. Doke

    selling gear

    3.5m for all rockets and 1.1 per rpg Only 24 rockets btw
  8. Doke

    selling gear

    28m for the supp 3m for mar-10 2.5 for dms 7m for envg’s oh, nevermind, you couldn’t possibly afford any of that my bad g
  9. Doke

    selling gear

    rpg-2x rpg rockets-28x asp 2x 7.62 supp
  10. on my way baby
  11. dm me
  12. dm me
  13. 600k per vest 250k per pcov
  14. pm me
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  15. Doke

    Buying DMS 6.5mill

    bought one alr, will buy other dms's for around 4 mill-pm me
  16. Pm me
  17. HMU with any bw gear u gotta sell will buy most of it from pcovs to at’s want me all will pay a fair price for all
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  18. U still selling?
  19. bc im fucking poor
  20. Fr bring back plane runs
  21. Gimmi prices pls
  22. Doke

    WTS Armed Huron

  23. Never experienced too many players on oly, it’s much more fun with more people and active events going on. For means of making money I see why you wouldn’t want such a high pop but when plane runs got buffed it easily became the new meta for making money during high pop.
  24. Doke


  25. Offers?
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