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Pete Malloy

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Pete Malloy last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. The numbers were exaggerated, they've recently had to change plaques on camps because the numbers were way too high. The camps weren't meant for killing, they just couldn't let their country be infiltrated from within so they had to be put into camps. When supplies went short the camps were hit first and people died from natural causes. Just like what happened to the Japs in WW2 and whats going to happen to the Muslims in 2017. http://store.infowars.com/-Propur-Water-Filtration_c_53.html
  2. In a game where people 3rd person around a wall and only peek for less than 4 secs, I think a DMS is useless. Don't see you getting a kill past 1km and you can just use an arco for 1km shots.
  3. How would adding another server sink the island of Puerto Rico?
  4. We should wipe Cop ranks and start from the beginning. Same with the admins though, BubbaloSyndromeOS SjwOS.
  5. Maybe that's exactly what the server needs.
  6. FIRST PERSON? You're a fucking white male! I'm triggered and your privilege is showing. Are you implying this is a military "simulator"? Not everyone is able to play the game the way it was intended to be played, I need to 3rd person peek around walls and exploit game mechanics and utilize my ping to unrealistically peek towers and walls like an African warlord high on cocaine. I also need my fov set to the max so that I can cover 25m infront and behind me, it's the least you can do seeing as how my people have been trampled under your oppressive racist white male patriarchy.
  7. I heard tuition prices at Poseidon's school have sky rocketed, ever wonder why that bar fills up so slowly? Change it to a third Altis server? Olympus Server Wipes? It'll only weed out the players that no-one actually likes.
  8. Yeah there would be a couple of things that need to be coded into the game but we would only need a courthouse and a lawyer shop and skins for judges to get the show on the road. The rest could be added later.
  9. You could just start a vote and say yes or no to new features. I don't think the dev team has the resources to add ideas that people have for the server but at least we would able to veto dumb ass map changes and maybe vote to kick some untalented and unneeded people from the dev team. All we would need is a client that makes sure you can only vote once and that you actually play on Olympus. And Poseidon to actually carry out the verdict.
  10. A form of government would be great for Olympus. The admins would have a load of work off of their hands and they could work on much needed map design and features. The government would be able to solve a whole lot of disputes. The government could be its own faction, hopefully replacing R&R or just as the 4th faction. We could start actually filling up the Federal Reserve with real money from taxes. All the scats of Kavala could get on Welfare and spend all their time in Kavala. You could get people to monitor real estate and make inactive players pay a property tax. We could set up a court and take things from police brutality and false imprisonment to civil disputes between players to court. Lawyers could be an actual profession and could be called upon during arrest to dispute charges and after imprisonment to file a suit against the APD. We could allow players to own businesses if they file the right paperwork and it gets approved. People could apply and take tests to become lawyers. A panel of trusted and learned Judges could be appointed to courts. Civilians could create a case against a Judge if they get corrupt or bias. There could be different courts for different types of cases, judges could be specialized into these courts. Courts would not effect someone being sent to jail by police, a person would need to get a lawyer and file paperwork to start a case for false imprisonment. The courts could decide what happens to an officer if he abuses his power. ie suspension and $1 million compensation to the victim. If we wanted to get even deeper into it we could open Legislative and Executive branches of government. I think that Judicial and some other small departments would be plenty for Olympus at least for now. But, this can only work if the people put in charge are competent, unbiased, and un-corrupted. Obviously a couple of bad apples will make it through but any type of incompetence, bias, or corruption that can be proven without a reasonable doubt should result in a swift black-listing from any government position except being a Lawyer. Abuse of powers should never happen, even if its the head admin or if its a joke. Courts should also be serious and people mocking the system or not taking it seriously should also be removed. A list of criteria should be met to give certain sentences to avoid bias. Personally, I would stop playing as rebel on civ or as a cop and turn into a Lawyer full time. I'd make some good money off of it too.
  11. In no country currently in existence does a police force also known as LAW ENFORCEMENT pass as a government. Altis is an island in Greece, which uses democracy as it's form of government. In the case of Olympus the APD serves 3 purposes, Crime Prevention, Enforcing the "PRE-LISTED" laws, and to send people who break the laws to jail. This doesn't meet the criteria for a form of government. There is no "governing" only "enforcement" of pre-established laws and governance.
  12. The APD is enforcement of the law, it isn't a form of government. Police is just part of the Executive branch of government, it isn't in anyway a government, it's a tool of the government to enforce laws and acts that are put into place by the said government.
  13. It's not about the revives or response time, it's all about the RP.
  14. No update since 9/2
  15. If this is going to be a copy paste of Altis life then there's no point of even playing it. Definitely need a new theme for this map. APD should be extremely revamped to fit Tanoa. Honestly believe that only hardcore RP will be able to fully utilize the new map and all the new content but I hope an Olympus Tanoa life will work well and stay populated.
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