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Olympus Plus
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About -Havic-

  • Birthday 05/03/1998

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
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    Chico Ca
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. youtube it you goon
  2. i do! lmfao you go "i would strangle you....i could strangle you with my bare hands" lmao!
  3. kid said he would strangle me with his bare hands. and that he "knows Nicole" loooool you cant make this shit up
  4. so tired of entitled players getting off the hook and having free roam to shit talk and break rules. ive played this server for a very long time and its honestly annoying as fuck having some jackass saying he knows admins and is gonna get me banned? loool tf? go outside for once.
  5. yall hate on Gunhand too much the man is a Vet and on top of that he helps out the server and genuinely likes helping others.
  6. me wanna ween
  7. imagine not even having $15 to buy the money for the dead game
  8. yes lol i know i did something real dumb i deserve it
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVJxupNR5GM
  10. Lol the meme was real until i found out it was a rule https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090460742/ just dont do it even if it is a top teir joke
  11. i just got memed on
  12. take it from me...be sure to read all the rules because not knowing even the most simple will get you in real trouble
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