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Friendly Old Guy

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Everything posted by Friendly Old Guy

  1. @Kyle Lake
  2. 3.5 mil
  3. i made a post about this last week OMEGALOL
  4. price
  5. My dude just give me a price OmegaLol
  6. so i saw this post read the topic and couldn't believe he was banned for rotor tapping someone then i started reading the comments and the comments and Gaz brought up some good points. listen man you fucked up move on just dont even bother rotor tapping next time,buy a 7.62 rifle and shoot the pilot out
  7. give me your price dog i dont give offers
  8. what the price on 1 Black Heli Crew Helmet 4 NATO Berets
  9. On what server and 800k is my bid
  10. Over the past couple months iv seen alot of people winning back to back bets so i was wondering what are your guys largest win streaks (Amount of money you won back to back to back) Leave a comment below Thanks for reading Also wanted to give a shout out to the developers you guys are doing a great job keep up the good work
  11. Some vigis like nugget are fine but most people hate vigies bc tasers are op and alot of people rdm with vigi
  12. @Tb:) u had the most liked video thanks for the laugh mate plz pm me the next time ur on so i can give u the mill And to everyone who summited the clips good try if u guys like this concept show some love with a heart on the post and i might do it again for 5 mil
  13. @NokiaStrong thats crazy
  14. Thats funny AF
  15. Post your funny Arma 3 Olympus clips and allow the community to vote on which clip is the funniest. Dosnt matter how long the clip is or what its about as long as its funny. The post with the most Hearts wins. Voting ends 2/8/2019 Good Luck by MR.Chow
  16. @Kyle Lake
  17. cant argue with that u brought up some valid points. Ty for the reply
  18. why Yikes
  19. thats my gf and 20
  20. Well even tho you dont think it would work out i appreciate the feedback ty that would be all it was used for its just one less key you would have to hold down
  21. its not for just driving down a main road it would be used so u dont have to hold down w
  22. So Olympus have implemented an auto run function which i use everyday and and am getting quit fond of. so it got me thinking why not add an auto drive,basically it would use the same key bind and instead of sprint forward it would drive forward you would still have to turn left and right but for us lazy arma players it would be one less key you would have to hold down. Let me know your thoughts with a heart or a down vote Thanks for reading Mr.Chow
  23. Medics now a days need and want tasers....let em know boyz
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