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  1. now i know for a fact that wasnt me, id never tell someone to kill themselves, nor do i have 200 mil, i have 60k and nobody on my team has over 2 mil bro stop you are actually awful how have i been playing for 2 weeks now and havent seen you on a cap once, roleplayers in kavala talking
  2. 4 years later i still have 13 year old vigis and 40 year old arma dad cops being losers and now theres some seal bitch on cartels, can see why server pop went down holy shit this has became awful and my friend comes back after 4 years and gets insta banned for blowing up the seal bitches car like these people literally just kill the server its so zzz
  3. ill buy the type 115 if its still available when i get unbanned, i get unbanned friday night, ill message you and we can set something up if its still available sound good?
  4. how much for the 3 mxm tasers? how much for the type 115 and also mxsw? edit: just realized the mxms were sold, i guess just how much for the type 115 and the mxsws
  5. how much for all 3 mk1s?
  6. mk1 taser oh my.
  7. if someone has a 2+mil bounty and they go to jail their bounty already caps out at 2 mil so they can ask to get charges added to give the cops more money!!! thats my understanding atleast
  8. +1 more rewarding
  9. Buying pilot helms
  10. No longer selling.
  11. Yeah i play server 3 guess you could call me a random but yeah, i have 40 mil I'm not broke. I'll go first if you would like. @RambleR I went under T | BucK now i go under [M] BucK
  12. I random one i just created called Mythic @RambleR
  13. Hey @RambleR I can do 7 mil if you are stilling selling the dp 23 4 crater
  14. Not the best house in dp23 i own the best house in dp23.... @RambleR
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