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Senior Civilian Council
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monster last won the day on August 3

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About monster

Senior Feds Civilian Council
Senior SWAT
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/28/2003

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  • Olympus Gang
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    The Support Section of the Forums making a Ban Appeal

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Olympian (4/7)

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  1. I use fucking STEAM to launch basically every Arma server i join, i start up Olympus for the first time on it and i instantly get banned; " You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Admin Kick (Fail Vigi - Perm -xDRO (Remaining: Perm))) " This happened to my friend too ! all servers accept this method of joining but this server doesn't, i was really looking forward to playing this server too because i heard it's way more controlled and controls RDMing like crazy. I'd be very much appreciated if this ban gets lifted off, thanks in advance.

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