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Senior Civilian Council
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monster last won the day on August 3

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About monster

Senior Feds Civilian Council
Senior SWAT
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/28/2003

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    The Support Section of the Forums making a Ban Appeal

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  1. guys should i get the new android or iphone 🥺

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. -dante-


      ^ pretending to be oblivious to the joke is sometimes the best part about a joke. But yeah, probably. Unfortunately most people aren’t gonna get a like 5 (6?) year joke lmao

    3. SPBojo


      What phone did you end up getting tho @ Dante

    4. -dante-


      @ SPBojo tbh I think it was the iPhone X that year. My s7 edge got cracked falling out my lap at a gas station on the camera side a few days before I was going to my first nhl game and thank fuck was due for an upgrade. Best phone I’ve ever had too. 

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