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Everything posted by monster

  1. I don't attend school tho? I missed literally 70 days of school last year and 40 the year before? LITERALLY FUCK OFF RETARD IM WATCHING A MOVIE
  2. let me spell it for ya i d o n t g i v e t w o f u c k s a b o u t s c h o o l now hop off my dick retard
  3. nigga you gonna bring that up everytime you jump on the forums? cool i dont give 2 fucks about school, hop off my case retard.
  4. and you're what a 13 year old rat behind a monitor?
  5. Mhm, im not permed atm so suck my big white dick
  6. Good players retire, bad players go inactive
  7. original says me, it cut it off but is supposed to says memes
  8. There are people who spend (not gonna name names) up to thousands of dollars donating to the server and buying IG money, why do you think $50 will affect any of those players? they would still disband and then have to delete the texture out and then someone would have to make a new texture for a new gang and put that in and when they disband a week later they ave to delete the texture and it will be an endless cycle, like i said, not for olympus atm imo
  9. Yeah i'm gonna leave this here Here let me fix it for you since they decided to cut it off
  10. Why should it be either Playing another arma server is being a fucking loser apparently or is it because me and @Skys put selling pulldowns in our name as a meme?
  11. Shit posts shouldn't offend people is all i'm saying making the options "Christmas" and "Hanukkah" would have been a better choice.
  12. Offending someones religion because of what they celebrate shouldn't be taken lightly.
  13. Gangs disband and rise again, but having someone buy an outfit then disband then buy another outfit is just gonna be a lot of "Delete that" "make this" "add this" which is not what olympus really needs right now.
  14. Calling Jewish people stupid because of what they celebrate is pretty offensive, I refuse to answer this because I refuse to lie about what i celebrate and i refuse to call someone stupid because of their beliefs
  15. This has been suggested in the past, but have been shot down due to the amount of gangs that get big for a week and then disband and there is no point in wasting the mission file on a gang that may or may not be disbanded in a week.
  16. I do not, I don't have a religion nor will I ever have a religion, but throwing shade because of what they believe in is a low blow.
  17. I don't see the problem with hanukkah, there religion is there own and if there religion says that they are to celebrate this instead of Christmas then they shouldn't be judged for it, and i can clearly see you're trying to show shade by making the 2 answers "hanukkah" and "not stupid"
  18. @apd ramming a hemmit box full of gold, ez 14mil comp
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