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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. @Childish Can you deal with this please ligma
  2. Only if Childish deals with it instead ligma
  3. Medical malpractice lawsuits are extremely expensive to litigate, frequently requiring testimony of numerous medical experts and countless hours of deposition testimony. For a case to be viable, the patient must show that significant damages resulted from an injury received due to the medical negligence. If the damages are small, the cost of pursuing the case might be greater than the eventual recovery. To pursue a medical malpractice claim, the patient must show that the injury resulted in disability, loss of income, unusual pain, suffering and hardship, or significant past and future medical bills. My injury meets the criteria, so I'm suing the R&R. I win, you're wrong, bye bye.
  4. While local law enforcement should be involved due to his actions, it is still your job to apprehend the individual and provide just compensation for the actions that your employee committed. It is clear that this medical professional deviated from standards in his profession, thereby causing injury to me. This still falls under medical malpractice. Therefore, I'm denying your claim that my claim was denied. Ligma
  5. A Review of Medical Malpractice Issues in Altis Litigation System R&R Pygros Hospital (GK), Greece, Kavala Correspondence: Hunter, PhD candidate of faculty of law, R&R Pygros Hospital (GK) 43600 (GK), Greece, Kavala. Tel: 505-842-5662. Received: December 4, 2019 | Accepted: TBA | Online Published: December 4, 2019 Abstract Medical malpractice cases are a matter of much concern in many countries including Altis where several cases caught the attention of the public and authorities. Although comprehensive annual statistics on medical negligence claims are not available in Altis since such data are not collected systematically in this country there are indications of an upward trend. Medical malpractice cases have been publicized by the media, academic researchers and in government annual reports prompting government policy makers, oversight agencies and the medical profession itself to take appropriate action. The increasing dissatisfaction with the current tort litigation system requires exploring alternatives and new approaches for handling medical malpractice cases. This study aims to examine the difficulties inherent in the tort system in Altis for solving medical malpractice claims and evaluates the structure of this system from the perspective of effectiveness, fairness, compensation, accessibility, and accountability. Injury Incident Report Form Incident Date: 12/4/19 Incident Time: 3:20 Injured Person Name: King Hunter Address: Iakinthou, Kavala 654 04, Greece Phone Numbers: 505-842-5662 Male/Female: M Details of Incident: I was walking along the grass by Pygros Hospital, when @PJ. landed a Helicopter on my head. He then jumped out and said "Hello Traveler". Who was the Injured person?: King Hunter Injury Type: Medical Malpractice Does Injury require Hospital/Physician: Yes Hospital Name: Pygros Hospital Address: Agiou Thoma 17, Athina 115 27, Greece Prepared by: Hunter Date: 12/4/19 I would like 5 million dollars as compensation from the R&R from the perspective of effectiveness, fairness, accessibility, and accountability. It is clear that this medical professional deviated from standards in his profession, thereby causing injury to me.
  6. Sony VEGAS
  7. Changed my name back. Y’all better not confuse me with my fans who use my name :kappa:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      @buckie Wow. I'm taking back my #Buckie4Support 😞 

    3. JuanDeaged


      @Drippp r u this guys fan?

    4. Drippp


      This kid is a fan of me 

  8. Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
  9. Superman = Clark Kent, Idk why people keep thinking we're two different people. 

    1. GregoV1


      Maybe because you're not superman

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Clark kent is his secret identity cmon

  10. Congrats bro

    1. SystemChips


      thank you brother much appreciated

  11. lMaO dId yOu JuSt cOpY tHaT fRoM gOoGlE
  12. Someone hmu with a TS Beta code plz, thx

  13. Kavala is a city in northern Greece, the principal seaport of eastern Macedonia and the capital of Kavala regional unit. It is situated on the Bay of Kavala, across from the island of Thasos and on the Egnatia motorway, a one-and-a-half-hour drive to Thessaloniki and a forty-minute drive to Drama and Xanthi.
  14. Red Gull is an energy drink brand based on Red Bull featured in the New Game! anime. Thanks RedGull for always helping me get away from RDM'ers.
  15. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving everyone!

  16. You use iFunny? LMAOOO I actually got this off of a Steam Guide
  17. #1 - You are not Superman. Do not think you can "do it alone" because you can't. #2 - If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. Get the job done...that's all that is important. Performance over appearance. #3 - Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire. The bigger target/threat you pose the Enemy, the more you risk being targeted. #4 - When in doubt, empty your magazine. If you think a situation is going "SOUTH" (bad), do what you have to do to be safe. #5 - Never share cover with anyone braver than you are. If you're "stuck" with someone braver than you...you'll be sucked into the Enemy's wrath. #6 - Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. Be prepared for Plan "B" because if something can break in combat, it will... #7 - If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. Be wary of an "easy" fight as it might be the Enemy luring your into a trap. #8 - No plan survives the first contact intact. Military planning is important, but so are simple words on paper. Executing those words are much harder to do... #9 - All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds. Expect the unexpected. If things can go wrong...they will. #10 - Try to look unimportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo. The higher priority target you present, the higher priority target YOU become. #11 - The simple things are always hard. Do NOT flip tank. #12 - If the Enemy is in range, "SO ARE YOU!!!". Once you have "eyes" on the Enemy...so do they ! ! #13 - Beer math is: 2 beers times 37 men = 49 cases. This helps remind us of the importance of planning supplies correctly. #14 - Body count math is: two guerrillas plus one portable plus two pigs = 37 Enemy killed in action. I have no idea what this means... #15 - Anything can get you shot - including doing nothing. Remember to always improve your current situation, remaining static may not help you. #16 - Tracers work both ways. Tracers and IR lasers help you sight -in the Enemy AND yourself...
  18. Geralt of Rivia


    Bye. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
  19. The Welfare of Earth and all the people will always be my primary concern. But if there is a solution to hunger it must be one that comes from the compassionate heart of a man and extends outward towards his fellow man. There is an old saying ‘feed a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.’ That simple message asks human kind to nurture with knowledge to reach out to those in need and inspire others to do the same. That is life’s greatest necessity and it’s most precious gift.
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