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Africa last won the day on June 16 2018

Africa had the most liked content!

About Africa

  • Birthday 04/20/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Africa


    RYAN hahah
  2. Africa


    me and shiv came back to film Ymoa but got perm after 1 day of film. #to much tension #ymoa movie on halt #kavala rat @Shiv1
  3. @21Cabbage
  4. shut up retard
  5. Where you at bro Send ip
  6. bro if i saw u in real life in fuckin iraq id slap the shit outta u bro @Shiv1
  7. Who me?
  8. Who u talking about? @Shiv1? Is the server whitelisted now I saw player count and was like fuck that I'm play som other shit Who? Fuck up retard Really never knew that?
  9. Who
  10. Who Y'all need to do something to make people play agian
  11. they gonna get wiped in kavala even without rdm
  12. can we make kavala RDM ON WEEKENDS PLZ
  13. looking to buy a dms and a mar10 or any other sniper if they added in bw.
  14. what about people who got given money legit e.g from a friend shit is so broken wtf
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