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Everything posted by Pablo_Escobar

  1. So if you're having a conversation with someone that has 100 negative rep, I'd bet my ass you'd think differently about them then someone with 20 good rep.
  2. Okay maybe you don't but I do. Can't you just respect the fact that I do give a damn if my number is red or green. And yes, I do go outside plenty of times every day.
  3. I do care about my rep when someone ruins it. How would you feel if I got 20 people to downvote everything they can on your profile. It would fucking suck cause u tryna get good rep right?
  4. Post was not intended to make that impression. We were talking shit to each other and then he takes that step.
  5. @Ronin Is a pussy bitch. Comments on my own status update talking shit and then continues to talk shit. When I tell him to get off my profile he gets all his friends to downvote my posts. Honestly how much of a bitch do you have to be to recruit your friends to downvote my comments. @Benjison @Eden @Ronin ruining my reputation after you randomly talk shit to me when I don’t even know you. https://gyazo.com/b83ef07c7d65a9c2d72624d2387452b7 https://gyazo.com/4766f9b5cc0c201c60e1cd015a9fd4c7 https://gyazo.com/00e2294f98a67b940738742c8236a57a FUCKING BULLY @Imawowboy hope that works
  6. just got kicked out of a competitive csgo match full of little kids who act like dictators and tell me which site to go to :PJSalt:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pablo_Escobar


      @Ronin get the fuck off my profile you filthy whore, you must be sad because your mommy left you at a young age.

    3. Ronin


      you didn't say anything back because it's true.  get off this site, you prepubescent child.

    4. Pablo_Escobar


      Get off my profile bitch who the fuck are you honestly ur so full of shit do you like to just shit talk people for no reason?

  7. School be weighing me down right now 

  8. What is the purpose of this post, other than taking 30 seconds of my life that I will never get back?
  9. How do you make so many shit posts but only have 254 downvotes?
  10. asp kir 200k edit: with mags 300k
  11. Light rp where you can sit in kav with a car-95 and not get arrested
  12. My guy, what are you talking about? They didn’t break any rules.
  13. I’m sick and tired of playing under the name I go by (Pablo escobar) and getting arrested for the tinest offenses (while I’m innocent) So many cops that I have beef with will arrest me for the dumbest shit, while regular cops will play normal. Like today, I just get out of jail, respawn, get a car, and go to kav house shop. So once I leave I turn the corner and out of nowhere hit a STATIONARY COP CAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD SIDEWAYS. And he takes me into custody. Then when I get released and get me car back I was innocent and staying on the main road. And the cop code 3s me for wreckless driving. Like apparently I have to be IN MY FUCKING LANE to not get arrested. This is a fucking VIDEO GAME. I feel like I can’t play under pablo Escobar without having cops harass me. Not gonna state names, but can I srs get treated normally even if you know me. -wrote this very quickly and on my phone so don’t mind the grammar mistakes etc
  14. I don’t even fight cartels and I know that this is a brain dead statement. Do you even have brain cells??? People will push with ifrits
  15. I’ll be on server 2 in 30 minutes
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