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Everything posted by Mutiny

  1. Mutiny

    Remove COP

  2. get trolled

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evann


      Just now, Mutiny said:

      u downvoted ur own page retard take this L

      this is so retarded lol im trying to downvote u but i cant because @Ares is a bonehead owner

    3. Mutiny


      I actually just reported you for fake downvoting me because it hurts my feelings. I’m going to go cry now over arms 3 forums. lmao

    4. Evann


      go sit around your water hole retard and stop replying to me cus u are gonna make me downvote u again

  3. Removing vigis would have a huge impact and a negative effect. I just want them off war zone/cartels.
  4. People need to grow up honestly. This is a joke.
  5. you guys are both retards
  6. thats not how it works
  7. deal. im on rn. msg me
  8. b
  9. Still for sale.
  10. Deal. I can do it rn if you want.
  11. Still up for sale. Willing to negotiate.
  12. I'll do 2.250 mil
  13. Higher.
  14. Looking for around 2 - 2.5 mil. I am willing to negotiate and take offers so show me what you got.
  15. Still not worth that, max I would ever do would be around 2-2.5Mil
  16. Doesn't matter if you have retards rpg-ing you and tasing you.
  17. S3 is best for moonshine?? You don't have tree rpg-ing your runs or Bots getting you with tasers like you would on S1 or S2. Again, not worth anywhere near 6mil.
  18. Last one that was sold went for 1.5 Mil...
  19. I'll offer around 2.5
  20. Then don't tell me to offer, give me a set price and we can negotiate from there.
  21. 1.5 Mil
  22. How much do you want for it?
  23. Location?
  24. bump
  25. Title^^ Post offers below.
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