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Everything posted by Montez

  1. 50 in a mag, and it's 5.7mm did some testing with the mod (not the acutal gun in the new update) and it fuckin' 4 shots level 5 armor at close range.
  2. +1 my mans feel bad for the kids that just need to get their second ticket, but have to sit in HQ for 2 hours because we keep taking shots.
  3. Kav Scats have entered the chat.
  4. late response but still, i wasn't talking about the handgun nor the suppressor. Ferris said he had a "IWI X95 with ACOG Scope and red dot sights on top." IWI x96 msrp = 2 grand ACOG = 1 grand Top of the line red dot (since he didn't name the specific brand i'm going to assume it's a nice one) = several hundred dollars. i might not've hit it right on the head, but i've got a feeling i'm pretty close to the price that was spent. (assuming he bought everything brand new with no discount)
  5. i had an uncle who had a ton of guns, supressors and all that shit. he knew a guy that had a .50 and let him shoot it, literally loud enough to blow you eardrums out it was actually amazing.
  6. alright bro finna go get a tax stamp and buy a full auto M16a2 just to flex (now all i need is 30 grand to buy it)
  7. this is acutally like 3.5 grand worth a gun/attachments. why tho. i mean don't get me wrong i love guns i have a lot of guns got a few AKs and a few ARs, but why spend this much money on ONE FUCKING GUN
  8. by "accidentally" i meant as in you were firing and then he moved causing you to him him and what not. chill bruh
  9. i've been told warning shots can hit a heli if it's an accident. obviously if your warning shots knock out something important you're fucked
  10. meme'd cop. the day i got cop i went from having 2 mil to 5
  11. protip : Make the bet then sprint away from the person you betted with. works for me :/
  12. All of these would be great! >:D
  13. maybe kyle will give out another 35 mil for the thermals
  14. keep everything, but throw lockpicks and glass
  15. Montez

    WTS MxM

    i got 504,100 and then went to sleep because my head hurt
  16. Montez

    WTS MxM

    I actually spent like 30 minutes figuring this out, too lazy to make something more complex
  17. this is literally your only post, and you use it to call me full of shit?
  18. that's a rip in the chat
  19. a cop's nlr is how long it takes to respawn and get back on scene depending on where they're going this could be like 3 minutes. a minimum of like 40 seconds either way you can get pretty far away in the time it takes to get back on scene
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