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Everything posted by batGooseCan

  1. rip but weird how you explained the post
  2. cause mako is a staff member
  3. You can't play multiplayer servers that have BattleEye no matter what if you are globaled on the account you join on. No one can change except Bohemia. No one in Aegis duped scrap, they are already rich and would scrap expensive vehicles and items that they have stacked up from years of federal events and being skilled players. Aegis isn't even a staff gang the only staff member in that gang that actually plays is Mako and sometimes Mason. There are plenty of people who have been allowed to play after being globaled or cheated that haven't cheated since and that isn't even the case with Monster. He has thousands upon thousands of hours on this game and to chalk his skill up to cheating is egregious.
  4. No idea who you are, but you seem like an idiot
  5. I am in tp and not banned for this
  6. profiling a gay member of the community for “combat logging” (pulling out of a sexual situation with a woman before ejaculating) is not cool and NOT 100. Grandma “Head of Tilde” Gary, please see yourself out of this club. You are not representative of our progressive views
  7. Congrats @ Xlax  @ Mighty now you guys can do my comp requests 😄 

  8. I disagree. I don't think that skilled players should need to go back to the processors. The cartels generate their own money. Most of the people that fight caps now, other than teamplayers, aren't great players and they don't have a lot of money which is probably why Xlax did a cartel event so that they could get revived and would not die, respawn and leave the game or not come back to fight. The people who actually do runs at this point have good houses and are pointless to rob. The only people that can be robbed are newer players and you'll rarely see our gang fucking with them unless it is 4 am and we are on drugs. Most of TP get money from conquest, cartels, and federal events. The only people that don't have money in the gang are the casino addicts.

    1. Toretto


      Want to know a cheat code to prevent this? Enable profiling and then you can drive some helicopters on the ground like a car and roll them over and not explode. It's really dumb but it works.


  10. I’m going to be purchasing @ hawk on borrowed funds from the casino. Currently have 4.7, but I’ll head to the Boardwalk tonight and get whatever else is needed. Thread Locked
  11. Hawk is no longer in his possession it was seized by the APD. Pls lock this thread
  12. yeah the reason is so people lose money LOL
  13. Rare Karma L. Stigmatizing bipolar disorder
  14. I think a combination of studio headphones and a separate microphone is always the best option for quality. If you just want a portable combo this could be a good option. All depends on your needs and interests.
  15. This has been brought up before. The only logistical issue is that removing the APD actually decreases server lag. To offset this we could bring in an outside developer. I don't see a way for server lag to not increase if @ Mr GOAT is promoted to developer.
  16. say swear It is very difficult for the APD until a Sergeant spangles himself, dies and decides 5 ghosthawks need to be pulled.
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