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Everything posted by Bigjohn561

  1. Don't have ur hand near a 6000psi hydraulic press if it can be turned on. Rip my brother. A idiot doesn't ask if its all clear before pushing the button.... https://gyazo.com/fac25902e93e2f9b428c64bcbc3daa68
  2. nope... we killed 3 right when they showed up and then killed the other 2 like 1min later then the first 3 was alrdy there again.... u see that is not enough time to "leave the area"
  3. +1 it seems even at fields cops show up within 2min and ur still lock picking your buddy out so u can run. Also in town.. we wiped 5 cops and as my buddy was waking up from being downed, cops already returned and downed him... would make it fair to have at least a small NLR. maybe then cops will value life more? already getting full tickets anyways.
  4. Bigjohn561


  5. If I wanted to pull cars could do it in town? but o well... just wondering y...
  6. is there a reason behind the jail not have a garage after u get out?
  7. Well I agree on the drug runners I love them on the other server but... may I request that you don't make it so little time I cant enjoy the flight... so many times people sit at the runway knowing you can't wait on them to leave since ur timer is so short.
  8. 894
  9. Picture and price plz.
  10. yea he loves his suicide vests also
  11. um... whats the problem? he always had all that stuff before.
  12. well... lol
  13. Bigjohn561


    Wts asylum cash! Lol...
  14. How u guys been?
  15. Hi willy....
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