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Everything posted by Skar

  1. If you kidnap someone and they die from you hitting crashing they get revived you have to wait 30 mins to kidnap them again right ?
  2. Where do you get 50 cal rounds from ?
  3. I heard the ASP is pretty trash cmmpared to the mar-10
  4. 1m
  5. How did you get a lethal
  6. 5m
  7. Me too
  8. Skar

    Selling iteams

    No he didn’t because I’m still talking
  9. anyone selling lmk
  10. You literally admitted to fail rping in the post LMAO you can’t unrestrain and then kill them
  11. I said 3m
  12. Yeah it’s pretty scary running around kav in server one when the server is packed because you’ll either get rook banged from some fucking where or you’ll blow up somehow
  13. Engagement is over though it cant be combat storing
  14. Skar


    Yep love it when 10 cops jump on me while I’m picking frogs
  15. Blackfish infantry transport should fly over warzone and all the competing gangs will pack Up in the blackfish or fishes and hop out when ever they feel and ya #BR
  16. Wtf is bfo you retard
  17. Your a kavala scat pussy get out of kavala then come an talk shit
  18. Your a shitter tho? Why u talking
  19. How much are you selling it for ??
  20. Skar

    Selling iteams

    How did a scat end up getting that ?
  21. Skar

    Selling iteams

    Sure.... your a kavala scat you don’t have shit LOL show some screen shots pussy
  22. Your a lier no kavala scat has 22m LMAOOOOOOO what do you mean what’s my in game name LOL do you ever play Olympus
  23. Skar

    Selling iteams

    He’s scamming lmao no one buy shit from this kavala scat
  24. Your literally a nobody you don’t fight cartels ever you sit in kavala every fucking day till you run out of money and need to do a copper run. Shitter
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