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Everything posted by Fraali

  1. I'll assume that you think that client side smoke doesn't exist, judging by your comment, however every smoke spawned by vehicles are client side. The smoke canister is spawned locally on each client, where the specific position that it gets popped depends on lag and positions over the network. After they're spawned, each particle effect is ALSO local, meaning different timings, different positions, different terrain (could be rolling down a slope etc) and even the in-engine particle randomizer all play into effect with smokes. His position probably also puts him at an advantage. Heard + saw you run up with 3rd person over the smoke, and either guessed, or was standing on a canister when he shot you. Not really ESP at all.
  2. Honestly if you think someone is cheating from a single clip like this, where you drop and get randomly shot, damn. Take a look at chat, he kills zeroblade while he was shooting near you. Clearly just over penetration/missing shots, not indicative of ESP in the slightest.
  3. Release Date: April 1st, 2023 - 3:00 AM EST The in-game mission download speed has been lowered to alleviate some server network performance issues Please utilize our mission updater (Auto-Hotkey script) that is provided above Added: Crafting Blueprints Blueprints are Illegal Blueprints have 1 Virtual weight Blueprints can be stored in any house or trunk Blueprints resell for 40% of their purchase price Blueprints are purchased from Blackmarket Auction NPCs Each Blueprint displays what items can be crafted in the Blueprint Shop Menu Blueprints are filtered by types (Ex: Vehicles, VTOLs, Armored Vehicles, Assault Rifles, Suppressors, Launchers, etc.) Blueprints that haven't been learned are displayed in white, Blueprints that have are displayed in Green Advanced Rebel Blueprints require the license to purchase Crafting The Abandoned Factories have been re-activated as Illegal Zones Players can now craft Physical and Virtual items as well as Vehicles Items the player doesn't have the Blueprint for are displayed in red and inaccessible Players must have adequate Scrap in their inventory and the Blueprint of the selected item learned Players can select up to 100 Physical and Virtual items to craft at a time Only a single vehicle can be crafted at a time If a player doesn't have the Advanced Rebel license they cannot craft Adv. Rebel items Crafting takes place at the Crafting Box Physical Items crafted will appear in the Physical Inventory Virtual Items crafted will appear in the trunk of the Crafting Box Vehicles crafted will be inserted directly into a player's garage Players must remain within 25M while crafting Moving out of this radius will cancel crafting and remove all progress Formulas Scrap Value = (Value / 100) * .8 Craft Value = (Value / 100) * 1.15 Craft Time = (Craft Value / 100) Custom Horns Players can now purchase Custom Horns through the Olympus Store Each purchase unlocks 1 crate key Horns are randomized and cannot be duplicates Currently 30 custom horns additional horns will be added later Horn sounds can be previewed in-game Players can activate the horn by pressing (G) Keybind can be rebound in the keybinds menu Opening a crate plays a new animated graphic Founders Circle members will receive all horn unlocks for free with a Donation Support ticket Mod Compatibility Enhanced GPS Enhanced Map Cinematic Lens Flare Fuel Siphon Weighs 2 $5k purchased at WPL, Black Market, APD Market, Rebel, and Medic Markets Drains targeted vehicle's fuel to 10%, cannot drain lower than 10% Takes 20s with animation GPS pathing You can now select a location on the map and a path will appear on your GPS and map indicating the fastest road route. Off by default Toggle top right magnifying glass Gang rank 3+ can now send a war request to all applicable gangs Double Process value of virtual items in the Market tab Hide option for map markers Players must open their map and toggle "Hide map markers" Click a marker once to hide it Double click a marker to hide all markers with the same name Double clicking a list of items will hide it from the map until re-enabled by double-clicking it again Saves over restarts and relogging APD Bomb defuse kits can now defuse regular explosives Defuse action takes 10 seconds Once defused the bomb is placed on the ground and can be retrieved or seized Orca (Smoke) to Vehicle Airdrop 1x 360 Smoke 24 Canisters Flares reduced to 84 Insurable but considered Illegal and can be claimed Scraps for 37500 Police officers now have a 5-second seize animation to seize illegal items off the ground Pickaxe to Rebel and Blackmarket APD receives 10% of weapon value from seizures Evidence Locker now has a 15% chance to retain suppressors, tasers, and high-value loot that is seized by the APD Mission file downloader button in the escape menu RnR Coordinators can now access all hex icons Server now broadcasts at 15, 10 and 5 minutes before a Conquest starts on Server 3 Fake repair door option for APD Training Dome Staff can now add Nitro to Demolition Derby's automatically Textures Civilian USPS Box Truck ($15+/O+) @ nicole Asiimov Ifrit ($100/O+) @ antonio Updated Staff Uniform @ nicole Combat Fatigues ($100+/O+) (Ghillie, Stealth, Rolled, Tee, etc.) @ Mako AOR AOR Half-Tone Urban Urban Half-Tone Multicam Multicam Half-Tone Multicam Woodland Multicam Woodland Half-Tone Multicam Black Multicam Black Half-Tone Materials Added @ nicole @ Mako Xian Shikra Blackwasp Buzzard Gryphon Wipeout Reworked Textures (Same texture style just optimizations made to make the filesize smaller) @ Mako @ nicole Shell Zamak Fuel Redgull Boxtruck Altis School Bus UPS Uniform Jail Uniform Starbucks Ifrit ABO Poloshirt Louis Vuitton Poloshirt Vigilante Uniform (Tanktop, Fatigues, etc.) Abibas Poloshirt Asiimov Orca Japanese Plane Ifrit Black Goodyear Hemtt (Box, Transport, etc.) UPS Boxtruck Redgull Boxtruck Gang Teamplayers Teamplayers Red Ifrit @ Renegade Teamplayers Two-Tone Ifrit @ Renegade Teamplayers Orca @ Renegade Wastemanagement Wastemanagement Wetsuit @ Mason Harrison Medic Coast Guard Sweater changed to Fatigues EMT Uniform Paramedic Uniform Cop Reverted Lethals Loaded Icon @ nicole Escort Truck Senior APD Vehicles @ nicole Orca Ghosthawk Armed Huron Taru Hunter Strider SRT Strider ($250+) Changed: Crystal Meth and Moonshine now count as 3 contributions for the 'Drugs Sold' Community Goal Hunter (Smoke) now deploys an additional countermeasure across a wider range Evidence Locker 7.62 Suppressor spawn rate increased 400% Gold Bar count is no longer completely RNG based Gold Bar count scales off of online APD officers Hard minimum is 150 Hard maximum is 325 Bonus maxes at 15 cops with a minimum of 325 bars and a maximum of 425 bars For example: At 5 cops gold generation will be Minimum of 150 Maximum of 225 At 10 cops gold generation will be Minimum of 225 Maximum of 325 Minimum gold generated is increased for every corporal+ and SGT+ online Corporal+ gives 5 extra bars SGT+ gives 7 extra bars All Tracksuit variants are now available to $100+ donors Owned houses are no longer locked when the owner is offline Medic Hex Icon changes Pararescue gets the Lieutenant Icon Supervisors get the Captain Icon Coordinators get Colonel icon Federal event cooldown is now 40 minutes If the bomb was defused/sealed timer is 30 minutes Blackwater spawn rate now accounts for officer deaths instead of Officers online for additional loot chance Cop count for enhanced loot altered Processing radius increased to 25M Restarts for update now hint players about the mission file downloader Fixed: Auction house filters not displaying correctly for Qilin (Light) and various other vehicles Inability to add charges to bugged players Licenses performance optimization TDM payouts now sending properly Gangbase not limiting to 10 players Lethal Injectors not syncing inventory properly Sirens playing on a loop while a player is dead/in passenger seat Panic buttons/dispatches not properly cleaning up if the player logs out Dopamine exploit on server restart Wrong Y-Inventory showing up when trying to pickup items Cash not picking up but displaying that it has been Getting revived as you respawn allows you to respawn with your loadout Vehicle tracking markers superseding group markers Promoting/demoting a gang member required exiting the menu or promoting/demoting twice to update Map script errors Inability to register a Titan Lock sometimes Players sending Support dispatches now have their gang tag properly displayed All icons are now in 64x64 Fire axe hinting that the player is too far away Faction lighting still being broken Inability to process Rare Alloy from a vehicle Canceling heal animation through donor dancing Getting in passenger seating disembarking players randomly Taru jump/ground collision bug Script error on disbanding a gang after receiving a war invite If a Supervisor+ applies a custom hex from Civilian it defaults the default Medic Hex Icon Warrants now have a 30M cooldown per player after completion/evasion to avoid the same player receiving chain-warrants Medic payouts not actually increased for EMT/Basic Paramedic Terror markers and radius not being cleaned up Map Mushroom processor building simulation Mr. Lea's memorial Various map markers Pyrgos chop shop crates clipping Various infostand placements Removed: Textures Civilian Combat Fatigues Red Rebel Combat Fatigues Urbanite Combat Fatigues Tan Dadswag Poloshirt Medusa Tracksuit Racer SUV Water Elemental SUV Alcoholics Anonymous Gang Fatigues Alcoholic Anonymous Gang Hatchback Aloha Poloshirt COB Gang Uniform NSFW Gang Uniform Hotfix #1 Fixed Faction lighting for helicopters Fixed Faction (Light) vehicles not enterable with enter as passenger Fixed New player first-time join not loading Fixed Fuel Siphon being unusable on vehicles not owned Fixed House Keyholder names
  4. There are so many reasons to NOT do any of what you've said. The reason wpl/vigi is limited in their armaments is because they shouldnt be fighting the APD like you brought up. They require more of a brain to play instead of "haha mk1 go brr" blind-firing into the side of a frit. You have to play to your advantages, or you will likely lose. 7.62 will never be added to vigilante or WPL, nor will any armed vehicles. Also seems like you're smoking meth with a few of those suggestions. All very poorly thought out ideas in my opinion. T5 isnt available anywhere on the server and we dont plan it to be, the rule change you propose is VERY easily abusable and will not be implemented. For the "killing mechanic", you're a vigi. You either tase and restrain a kid, and take him away, or you leave him there if you cant restrain him. Not killing is kinda the only thing a vigi has as a real restriction.
  5. Any type of action that a staff member takes (such as turning on ESP, which shows above their head anyways, or god mode), is completely logged. Obviously this doesnt mean every time someone abuses is found, as we dont look through every minute detail of every day. If you have an issue with a staff member abusing, you are able to submit a play report against them and senior staff will look into the matter. On the other hand, why should people who dedicate their time to help you solve issues with server rules and such NOT be allowed to play? Seems like backwards reasoning in my opinion, though I will agree that some form of limitation should be placed on when and where they can use the tools they have access to during and/or before active situations regardless if they think it's okay or not. In the end, people like @ bick__ will complain that they are constantly getting abused, and that everyone is out to get them when in reality they just aren't good at the game and have to grasp at straws to find an excuse on why admins are shitty. Who has EVER said that any of our staff members have ever donated any kind of money to get staff by the way? Personally I donated about $75 back in 2014 - 2015, but haven't done anything else since, and I know multiple staff members who have never donated anything. Shows that you never really look into the bullshit you spew.
  6. Hasn't been forgotten, however its been very low on the priority list. I personally spent most of the month fixing various long standing bugs, and adding the majority of the bigger things, with the rest of our team focusing on real life. Makes things take a bit of time. I plan to see how its received on S1, and if its still wanted after a week or two, we will probably implement it into Conq. Pretty sure a conquest update is also close to being finished up, so we should be able to fit it in there if the response is good.
  7. Get in faster and help reduce server lag by following the instructions here: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Olympus_Mission_Updater Release Time: 2023-03-10 - 5:00 AM EST Added: Donation Goal (Ends 3/31) Temporary Federal Event Buff Federal Reserve Gold Bars sell for 25% more Enhanced drop rate and spawn rate for rare items in Blackwater Loot Map Search List for all map markers Allows filtering for specific markers Toggle distance for each marker Moves map to marker when selected Attempts to sort by Alphabetical then by Color Custom sort filters in progress Entering Area Notifications Text in the bottom right displays the area you're in with relevant information Lasts for ~5 seconds Example Experimental Network Optimizations NPCs temporarily replaced with signs Some animations optimized to update less frequently with negligible visual effect In-game Gang Recruitment Advertising Gang Leaders can now advertise their gangs in-game Gang Leaders can submit a 25 character title and a 255 character description Gang Leaders can optionally link the forum for their Gang Recruitment Leaders can edit and delete their listing Action to view gang recruitments at Gun Stores and Rebel/Vigilante Outposts Gang members are able to see their own recruitment on the Y-Menu Gangs Tab Gangless players can see recruitment on the 'Create Gang' Tab New Custom Menu Fentanyl Only spawns in the Narco Airdrop Replaces the Meth and Moonshine spawns Sells for $12.5k Seize value $4,250 Does not decrease in value with dynamic market system Can be sold at any drug dealer Weighs 2 virtual per item 10% Warpoint Tax Realtor Added option to search for all available buildings Added option to change search range Handcuffs $10k Requires lockpicks/boltcutters to unrestrain Restrain timer reduced from 15m -> 10m Only accessible by Vigilantes Police Vest to Deputy Clothing Shops Medics can now disperse Dopamine via windows key Players now have 1 minute of drowning immunity after being revived by a Medic Enter as Co-Pilot option for Medics KOS Warning for entering a terror zone similar to the Active Federal Event warning Weighted Cop count to for Federal Events to Greezy Gabe Founder's Circle Hex and Title Textures Civilian UPS Box Truck ($15/O+) @ nicole Updated Mellow SUV @ nicole Gang Teamplayers Gang Camo @ Mako Waste Management Gang Wetsuit @ Mason Harrison Updated Aegis Gang Camo @ Mako LNT Gang Granits @ Nakalon Cop Updated APD Offroad @ nicole Map Town @ Brandyn @ Zeuse CoD 4: Shipment (Extended) @ Zeuse Warzone @ Zeuse Second ground vehicle spawn to Kavala, Athira, Neochori and Sofia truck shops, Athira vigilante outpost and South-East airstrip Medic Heli Shops on Top of Hospital Helipads Changed: Jeep (SPMG) reverted to using a LIM and given back to the APD Increased price of Promet SG Slugs from 4WP to 15WP per magazine Interaction wheel options are now static locations Vehicles now save Physical I-Inventory on restart Fixed driver dropping not spangling players at high speeds Players ejecting above 35km will now spangle Updated coordinates for Sofia APD Escort Dropoff Updated Coordinates for Sofia and Neochori Police spawns Altered scrap values of some physical items Medic base pay per revive increased by $5k Maxes out at $25k at Coordinator Hint with indication if you do not have required tool to gather GUI Update Common resources for GUI elements updated Vehicle Garaged updated Vehicle Shop updated Chopshop updated Vehicle Processing updated Blackfish Maximum fuel decreased by 33% While transporting a vehicle fuel consumption is increased by 50% House interaction range now tied to closest part of a building instead of the center Map Cow Manure Field @ TapTap Revamped Western Factory @ TapTap Highrise TDM map @ Zeuse Copper Trader @ TapTap Fixed: Players without pickaxes will now be notified they need one to mine. VTOLs (Blackfish/Xian) throttling to 100% if a player was not the group leader APD being unable to close an open door at an active federal event Vehicles randomly reverting damage ex: Hurons/Vans APD stolen tracked vehicles not updating properly Fixed server time on the bottom left being wrong sometimes Russian Qilin displaying as Water Elemental Error with using ;commands while loading in Dispute report button not sending players to the support section of the forums Vehicle Processing errors Scroll wheel bugs requiring players to right click invisible menus Significantly optimized the persistent vehicles loading in on server restart GUI confirmation boxes on top of existing GUI can now use space bar to confirm Missing lights and sirens for Prowler (Light) and Qilin (Light) Reviving into the Ocean Pharmaceutical cooldown after Federal Event Pharmaceutical vehicles and map markers not properly cleaning up Players in Tutorial not able to put hands down Some house types unable to be searched Deploying turret when tased and restrained Deploying turret while in air/water Vigilante Arrests not updating when sending Combat logger bones to jail Renown not increasing when sending Combat logger bones to jail Garages not appearing on realtor Some restricted houses being shown on realtor Bugged uniforms, vests, and backpacks sometimes duplicating or being unable to be equipped Processing bonus being reset Processing bonus not taking into account various increases Gang base bonuses not being applied properly Robbing vests and uniforms did not drop items inside of them Getting in planes sometimes would not initiate the plane delivery mission Escape menu extra buttons not properly following animations Lethal bug after claiming vigilante arrests before soft-logging Map Sofia Chop Shop gang shed simulation Sofia HQ Heli Spawn Too Close to Wall Multitude of Unintentional Fed Jump Spots Removed: Promet SG Slugs from Adv. Rebel Shop Map Military Base TDM map Old Shipment TDM map HOTFIX #1 Federal Event Donation Goal extended to 4/10/2023 Faction lights script error Being able to purchase and then re-sell items for Community Goal progress Error: No Vehicle signs Blackjack sign location Loading Loadout significantly more discounted than it should be Cleaned up Map GUI search feature Entering some default locations didn't space names out ex: (PyrgosGulf, PelfkasBay) Removed date from entering location notification Qilin (Smoke) scrap value corrected from 0 -> 8,000 4 Craters not being referenced correctly in Realtor menu (Light) suffix added to Qilin/Prowler for APD/RnR Textures Civ IGNTR SUV (Free) @ sandman Legendary Rework @ sandman Elite Rework @ sandman Supreme Hatchback Rework @ nicole APS Van Rework @ nicole APD Unarmed Huron Updated Van skin @ nicole General NPC signs graphic updated Reverted scroll wheel bug "fix", as it made it more frequent than before
  8. There's no "bias". When there is a certain amount of evidence that points to malicious intent, you don't unban them. When there isn't any and they ARE unbanned, they are kept on a tight leash. Not really sure what you expect when you cheat and get caught. "Oh I've changed!", "I NEVER cheated on olympus! Only those other shitty servers", "Olympus is the best!", are a few of the most common phrases I see come out of cheaters. 9/10 when I used to unban a cheater, they would be back to cheating less than a week in. As of now, there are 6 previous "cheaters" that are able to play legitimately that I haven't seen cheat to my knowledge, of course. Some have helped us out, and some have been banned so long we don't even know who they are anymore.
  9. Just gonna put it out there that I didn't say "get fucked" in his ban appeal. I said "All I have to say is wow." Due to how blatant he was cranking it, and expected to not get banned lmfao. Get fucked.
  10. Taken the time to parse through all the chat logs and link names/client ID's along with some other data and can confirm that the person you messaged was NOT a staff member. Regardless of this, due to you trying to threaten us, we have kindly removed all of your access from everything related to the server, though you probably wont see this...
  11. We've tried a bunch of possible methods for downloading missions and "other" traffic, however ALL of that traffic is handled in-engine and doesn't allow for external processes to offload. Its all encrypted through specific methods they use, and we would never be able to grab it unless we were to break Bohemia TOS by reverse engineering the engine, which we aren't about to do.
  12. Arma is hard limited by its own engine in terms of downloading mission files with hard-coded bandwidth. We CAN offload mission file downloads to dropbox or something similar IF they selectively download it. If they dont choose to go out of their way, it uses the default. I've tried upping the server bandwidth, that just causes lag on a day to day basis. I tried lowering the server bandwidth, the issue with downloading missions gets worse. As of now, as far as I can tell we have the best that I am able to configure. In the end, I'm at a loss as to what the fuck is actually going on because arma be fuckin' arma.
  13. If you'd like to assist us in reducing server latency please follow the instructions to download the mission file HERE. Added: New Interaction 'Quip' Wheel Players can choose to either toggle the menu open or hold it open Opens a 360° menu with choices equally placed Ex: 4 options, 1 option every 90° Option for players to continue using 'Legacy' Interaction menu Players can close the menu with a single Right Click Example of the menu Pocket Parachutes Added to Rebel, Vigilante, Police and Medic markets $20k 10 virtual weight Can be deployed at any point above 21.5m Any point below will not have the action Warpoints are now taxed 10% on transfer Unlimited Fuel can for RnR Timestamp UI to help players with compensation/reports Date and time listed in EST - Server Timezone Additional spawn clothing from 9 to 30 clothing options Utilizes DLC check so that you no longer spawn with clothing you don't have access to Includes clothing from Contact, Apex and AoW Charity Gendarmerie Blue Fatigues and variants to Rebel, Vigilante, Undercover and Blackmarket clothing stores Processing bonus now counts towards Double Processed drugs Conquest Earnings now displayed in Gang Ledger Textures Police Rework SRT Hunter @ sandman Rework SRT Combat Fatigues @ sandman Rework SRT Fatigues @ sandman Rework SRT Poloshirt @ sandman Color update for SRT Hummingbird @ sandman SRT Qilin ($250 and Deputy+) @ nicole @ sandman SRT Green Assault Pack ($250) @ sandman Updated SWAT Strike Pack @ sandman Updated Lethals Loaded Icon @ nicole Civilian Fracture Ifrit ($100/O+) @ nicole Fracture Qilin ($100/O+) @ nicole Printscreen Ifrit ($100/O+) @ Renegade Printscreen Qilin ($100/O+) @ Renegade Horizon Racer Qilin ($50/O+) @ nicole Rework Solar Wind Qilin @ nicole Rework Pink Wonder Qilin @ nicole Rework Vector Qilin @ nicole Strike Pack (Green) Strike Pack (Black) (O+) Map TDM Arena Highrise @ Zeuse Changed: Players in Roulette Event now spawn with 4-Five pistols and VR Suits Ability to sling HEMTT Transport (Covered) SRT Strike Packs no longer require SWAT whitelist SRT Hunter Texture no longer requires SSgt. Whitelist Strike Packs no longer give 140 virtual Strike Packs now take Vest size into account like a normal backpack Strike Packs offer 40 virtual space Car shops now list alphabetically Slinging/vehicle loading now prevents despawn Dopamine timer from APD increased from 7M -> 10M Corporal+ may now allow lethals in APD HQs SRT Hummingbird changed from Corp+ -> PO+ Gangbase Rebel timer reduced from 3M -> 1M Map Heroin Processor @ Nate Moonshine Brewery @ NokiaStrong @ Zeuse Sand Processor @ SpecTGV Cocaine Processor @ Zeuse Fixed: Clothing bug fix removing scopes/suppressors Vigilantes/Police tasing in Roulette events Dopamine shot cooldown now resets on player respawn Visual effect of Blindfolds being disabled by NVGS Medic Garage action elevated to the top of the list Gendarmerie clothing listed as Full Body VR Suits Tin Foil Hat missing from clothing shops Plane delivery NPCs not working for non-English language Arma players Processing bonus resetting when swapping between trunk/backpack processing Coast Guard Hummingbird to O+ Loading loadout not applying scopes Medic name <null> on respawn screen Loading loadout not applying Gangbase discount Groups page updating too rapidly Medic Taru variants missing lights Pacific Tempest Transport Covered texture missing Gangbase stating 45M capture instead of 30M Fever Dream Orca listed as Coast Guard Map Some houses near processors were restricted Sofia Martial law starting in Neochori Pyrgos general store staircase Towers at BW being destroyable Minor rotation bugs Removed: Halloween Textures NASA Ifrit Duplicate RnR Helicopter Coverall Hotfix #1 Deploy parachute action while inside a vehicle Hotfix #2 Added: Actions requiring cash now display the cash amount in green Licenses are now ordered Oridnary licenses i.e. Driver, Truck, Firearms display first followed by Legal and then Illegal licenses All legal Processing licenses are now prefixed with Processing (LICENSE) All Illegal Processing licenses are now prefixed with Illegal Training (LICENSE) Textures Police Vehicles Hatchback Sport @ nicole Offroad @ nicole Jeep @ nicole SUV @ nicole Van @ nicole Hummingbird @ nicole Plane @ nicole Orca @ nicole Hellcat @ nicole Prowler @ nicole Qilin @ nicole Uniforms Deputy Uniform @ sandman Patrol Officer Uniform @ sandman Corporal Uniform @ sandman SAPD Uniform @ sandman SSgt.+ Free Combat Fatigues Slayer Updated @ sandman Patrol Officer+ (O+) CTSFO Fatigues Black @ sandman Deputy+ (O+) CTSFO Fatigues Blue @ sandman Deputy+ (O+) CTSFO Combat Fatigues Grey @ Mako Corporal+ (O+) Dazzle Fatigues Updated @ sandman Ssgt.+ (O+) Civilian Combat Fatigues (Black) reworked Holiday Spirit Hatchback @ Diamond Aegis Gang Combat Fatigues reworked Changed: Y Inventory default is now 1 Cancel to center of interaction wheel Fixed: Lockpicking freezing/crashing players with new interaction wheel Raven Vest not available to O+ subscribers Kidney Transplant and Receive Dopamine missing cash amount Licenses are now localized to languages SRT Qilin Fracture Ifrit Removed: Combat Fatigues (Dazzle) from APD shops
  14. Network lag is one of the hardest things to debug for, especially when its only present with a significant amount of people with all kinds of variables. We have been working towards alleviating the issues from the small things we can find that may be causing issues for the past 6+ months, but it does take time and clearly hasn't been perfect. From the testing and debugging procedures that we have gone through, to the actual DDoSing and hackers, we seem to have come to a conclusion on what the issues could be and will be working towards trying to fix the inherent issue. This is NOT an issue with our provider, as we have done extensive testing on the box and its network, and a "better" server host does not exist for what our server currently requires. In the end, if you think we could have solved the issues with a little bit of money or a small amount of work, it would have been done AGES ago.
  15. A lot of performance increases have been happening lately, including @ codeYeTi taking literal hundreds of hours to completely rework and create a series of plugins that are the core of the server ONLY for performance. There are still a few issues obviously, but it's quite hard to debug when it only happens at 135+ players, the recent DDoSing, server crashes, and a current crash exploit in the engine that bohemia has been trying fix. If there were a button that said "fix it", believe me that would have been pushed ages ago. The lag is known, the issues we have are apparent, and the dev's ARE actively trying to alleviate them. I know I spent a few hundreds of hours looking into it, combing through every piece of code I could find, which led me to a few small things, but clearly not enough.
  16. Added: HUD showing capture status of each point at top of screen and at bottom of flag Colors Rebels Uncontrolled => White Controlled by your gang => Blue Controlled by enemy gang => Red SWAT Controlled by #1 gang => Red Controlled by #2 gang => Orange Uncontrolled / SWAT controlled => Blue Shapes Circle => Owned by your gang Square => Owned by another gang Triangle => Hotzone Live voting Can see how many votes each zone has throughout the process Vote menu opens automatically for players in the hub Vote menu stays open/can be re-opened after voting Players can change vote Windows key to capture flag Sound on kill 5 Additional saved loadout slots for Olympus+ to match life servers Textures Civilian Granite Tracksuit (O+) @ ASPEN Candy Tracksuit (O+) @ ASPEN Spiderman VR Suit (O+) @ Mason Harrison Hyperbeast Uniform (O+) @ jig NASA Qilin (O+) @ Sploding Al ash-Sheikh NASA Ifrit (O+) @ Sploding Al ash-Sheikh Russian Ifrit (O+) @ jig Ukrainian Ifrit (O+) @ jig Sega Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN Granite Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN Candy Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN Heartless Ifrit (O+/$100) @ ASPEN Pink, Black, Blue, White, Red and Grey Ifrits added to O+ Gang Dankpod Gang Uniform @ notsodank Mystic Gang Ifrit @ ASPEN SWAT Longsleeve Slayer Uniform Redesigned (O+) @ Mason Harrison O+ Black Fatigues O+ Hex Camo Fatigues O+ Heli Coveralls Changed: All civ names are now red regardless of war status SWAT see all civilians as Orange SWAT now see green names for other SWAT members Increased SWAT capture rewards from 100 -> 150k Additional SWAT capture rewards for hotzones of 300k Suppressor pricing changes 5.56: 30 -> 45 5.8: 35 -> 55 6.5: 40 -> 70 Blood bagging to heal now removes pure heroin effect similar to FAKs Loading background @ Peterr Many buildings on caps can no longer blow up Map @ Masoooooooooon Chernarus Winter Removed some trees between points across all zones Vybor Airfield (Zone 1) Echo moved closer to other points Rebels moved in accordance to new points Berezino Bloodbath (Zone 2) Alpha moved Bravo moved Charlie Moved Rebels moved in accordance to new points Balota Blitz (Zone 4) Entire zone rework Malden Chapo Echo moved closer to other points Northern rebel moved closer to points Altis Warzone reworked Syrta Rebel moved to a centralised location Panagia Rebel moved to a centralised location External buildings added to Delta Nifi Added 4th capture point Added 2nd rebel Tanoa Fixed some items being placed wrong in Megaquest Made obstacle course slightly easier on one part. La Rochelle Removed a tree which sometimes fell on top of Alpha Cap making the flag hard to capture Madman's Mixer Charlie reworked - flag moved slightly Kujari Updated conquest hub layout Afofo Echo moved South rebel added Ari Right side rebel moved to southside of zone Kawiya New rebel made (previously shared a rebel with Ari) Takistan Hells Highway Alpha slight changes to remove some buildings Bravo reworked and flag moved slightly. Right side Rebel moved further back from points Fixed: SWAT kills no longer count as cop lethals SWAT will no longer receive money / clear bounties between conquests SWAT kills now count towards killstreaks SWAT kills now count towards conquest K/D Cop time no longer increments while playing SWAT, only counts only as SWAT playtime; duplicate time removed Storing vehicles at Conquest Rebels Vehicles at Rebel on Malden should no longer blow up in invisible buildings South Stratis rebel should no longer occasionally eat Ifrits Players no longer take increased burn damage Jump script screen tear Altis, Winter Chernarus, Takistan & Chernarus 2035 voting images Founder circle hex icons Respawn timer no longer resets on softlog Removed: White Abibas Tracksuit Yellow Abibas Tracksuit Battleye Uniform Bounty accumulation Non-tracer LMG mags Food & water drain
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