all i care about is bf5 and fallout but bf5 doesnt even look that much different from bf1
i wish they would stop making sequels and just make whole new games and ideas tbh
we did leave north the cops just swarmed is over and over after we killed them until they eventually succeeded
b u dumb it’s gonna go for u when u have a bounty even if u don’t shoot lol
ni I didn’t say thoughts Jesse I said thoughts to the forums then tagged Jesse at the end so he would see it dummy
that was Synergy not serenity. synergy is so ass lol they tried to rob me and my friend too and crashed the heli while chasing us. another time they tried to rob us again and I legit got out of my truck deposited my money while standing still (he was shooting at me with a 7.62 this entire time while I was standing still and then I turned around and killed him with a protector lol.
nigga we can’t choose where a fed is? civs don’t ask cops to come either or choose a location, if I never saw a cop again life would b good.
dont be bad?
damn I guess I should just never go around HQs that are literally all around the map