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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Already in the process. Give me 10 mins. *Badge get it right snake charmer.
  2. We all know my true supports will stay in the shadows, quietly supporting the man that brings the people together.
  3. Currently at 4k. I think we know who the winner is.
  4. Looks like I won't be able to come and show my cleavage. What's the point of even going now?
  5. Snake......get rekt?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Warfare


      Yes because this is the most serious competition I will ever enter in and I pushed F5 4k times to win.

    3. Mr. Jackson

      Mr. Jackson

      Admitting it is the first step to recovery.

  6. Snake just love me

  7. Just keep clicking my profile k.

  8. New Community forum badge on point. Shout out to Poseidon for getting it done. Check my profile to see it!

    1. Jorbis


      That looks awesome :)

    2. Warfare


      I'll have to see if I still have it. Pretty sure I do.

  9. Changes need to be done so the community team becomes an official group instead of the joke it is now.

  10. And as we embark on the final 3 hours. We reflect back to how bad of a decision this was http://twitch.tv/WarfarePlays

  11. A bit more then 5 hours remain http://twitch.tv/warfareplays will Warfare die on stream? find out now

  12. So uh Bubbas not awake....not sure if the 24 is going down today?

    1. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      You gots to though ;(

    2. Warfare


      Bubba got up so looks like it's a go. However mine will be 23 hours lol

  13. I have no problem having members from R&R on but the issue with it is most of the time are topics aren't R&R based either because we don't have any or because when we do bring them up majority don't want to discuss it. The main reason respawn timer was even a subject was do to the issue where a player would hit enter or spacebar by accident causing them to wait 8 mins before they could respawn, even if there was no R&R online. The point of it wasn't to say it needs to be lowered or removed nor that it's not a great feature for you guys to have because I agree with it. At the end of the day we can't please everyone but we do our best to try to. That's the reason why I had so many R&R topics ready do to the fact you guys deserve to be involved just as much as the APD. I would be more then willing to have more medics on we just need you guys to step forward and let us know you are interested.
  14. 24 hour stream tomorrow with Bubba. Be sure to come out and watch us die

  15. The show doesn't represent Olympus it represents the users on the show. That's the whole reason it's not named after Olympus nor is it on Poseidon's olympus account. Like I already said it's a live show and things change, I can only provide topics prior to the show and if things change that's how it goes. In regards to why John isn't on the show it's because things don't always work as planned and he might not be able to come on when we do the show. Trust me he's been asked and things have always been in the works. You seem to also not understand that majority of the people that watch the show prefer APD/Civ topics over R&R and that's not something we can change. I can't force viewers to listen to a topic they don't want to listen to and because of that we would obviously talk about the things most of the viewers want to listen to. In regards to us talking trash about players it is far from that. Users on the show are allowed to have an opinion and if they believe a ban wasn't needed then they have every right to say so and discuss why they believe that. Not to mention Poseidon even came into the chat and discussed why he felt Virus shouldn't have been banned and we relayed that to the viewers. Lastly I don't know who said medics have to help anyone so I can't comment on that.
  16. The community team is looking good. Possible new Olympus Times series coming!

  17. Just because topics are listed it doesn't mean we are going to discuss them. If this was a recorded show then yes we would stick to said topics but because it's a live show the viewers constantly suggest topics and we discuss them. In regards to us saying we should be able to cancel them, I only know of one person who said that and we shot it down because it doesn't make any sense to allow it. For topics like this I'll be honest and say we don't need a medic present because whatever you say regarding the topic won't change our opinions when it's something as simple as a respawn timer. Lastly please point me out to the untrue information we have said about medics and your guidelines because as most users say we usually never talk about medics on the cast. At the end of the day you choose to watch the show and no one is forcing you so how about you don't attack a show that is simply trying to promote the servers and giving players a place to talk. We do this every week for free because we enjoy doing it, not so we can have players attack our work.
  18. Furking Jendrak not informing me. Sorry for the misinformation guys I will get it updated as soon as I find out winners/days.
  19. I was never informed about any events that occurred over the last week.
  20. Show Olympus Now Issue #3 some <3

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