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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Headlines 3/1/15 Rule Changes: This week Hades took to the forums to express some new rule changes that will take place on 3/1/15. The rules update covers various aspects from RDM, Combat Logging, Aviation, and even Vehicle Shooting. Remember these are not the only changes so head on over to Hades thread to get a full look into what's taking place. Update 7.00.07: Over the last week Poseidon has been hard at work pushing out small bug fix updates to combat last weeks wipe and big update. Some of the fixes ranged from revising food & water to the escort system. As always if you want a full look at this patch head over to the Olympus Trello account where you can get a full in depth look. https://trello.com/b/3OuZI2oG/olympus-altis-life BLTN Podcast
  2. Just waiting on some cop info then I'll be pushing out Olympus Issue #3

  3. Working on Olympus Now #3. We will have it up tomorrow as planned.

    1. Walrus


      Hadn't heard this yet, is there an exact time?

    2. Warfare


      Usually up in the morning. It's not a video series but a newspaper for olympus so to speak. A compilation of that weeks events, promotions, headlines, etc

  4. I think the only thing that needs to be changed is how far away from the prison a player can be before they have to start texting the cops one by one. I don't know how far away you were last night booboo but from every cops perspective it seemed like a good 500-700 away from the prison.
  5. Youtube version of BLTN is up. Go show some love <3

    1. Deathtripper


      Thanks for pumping these out, i look forward to checking them out in muh spare time.

  6. Another week another BLTN. This week we cover some R&R, some APD, and most definitely the update. Let us know what you enjoyed or maybe what you think could be improved.
  7. Youtube version of BLTN is a go. Should have it fully processed in an hour.

  8. Potentially no Youtube version of the cast unless Twitch shares some love to me.

  9. No lie forgot today was Friday and that BLTN is tonight. Who wants to come on and talk Olympus?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Bad Adam

      Big Bad Adam

      here's a topic: too many complex server rules and are bans too long

    3. Virus1


      Ill come on if you would like

    4. Snake


      Virus sunk podcast Kappa

  10. Just because people aren't hopping on APD right now doesn't mean they were in it for the money. Players want to get ahead and be established before they take on other roles unless your primary role is the APD.
  11. This doesn't seem correct as take a look at coper. You mine and process in sofia but have to travel 20km to Kavala to even sell it. This might be the only one but I know it doesn't make crap.
  12. ^Whole reason why we don't have one. Similar reason as to why we don't include the players reason for taking a break.
  13. I would say how fast they are filling up and how long they are staying full is looking really gooood.
  14. As rude as this will come across. I hope you are wrong and the servers are full as fuck.
  15. Maybe Poseidon is able to increase how many civ spots are allowed to be used.
  16. Olympus Now Issue #2 is up. Check it out and spread some love

  17. Headlines Server Wipe &
  18. This weeks Olympus Now is extremely short do to few promotions, no events, etc.

  19. The promotion section is given to me by John and a senior APD member. If your not listed it's most likely because you got promoted more then a week before we posted or after we got the names from said members.
  20. I've been up for 24 hours and didn't even realize :?

  21. I'll be up all night doing Olympus Now #2. Expect an afternoon stream, possibly mid day.

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