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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Stix

  1. That is great! is it T4 that makes it happen?
  2. Stix


    Welcome to olympus enjoy your stay!
  3. o lol skiped that part of joining the server
  4. Do you have Apex? if not it cost 30$ also if you do try verifying interity of game cache. in steam go to arma>right click>properties>local files>verify integrity of game cache. should only take a few minutes.
  5. z to the new mods Talindor and Dustin and mr Burrito for the Admin job well done guys

    1. Talindor
    2. Stix


      and gidgit for admin


    3. PoptartRex


      And Mercury for mod

  6. any idea when turtles are going to be added to tanoa?
  7. LOL I have this house on S1
  8. did someone say we are getting M2A4 Slammer UP for CIVS HYPE!!!

  9. TBH I dont even play on this anymore so there for i dont shit talk but everyone know this is what i look like
  10. SURE!!! you first
  11. m e c c a if all lower cases means "any place that many people visit or hope to visit" and then i would guess it is a place for many gamers but what i really think he is asking is why it auto deletes it and that is because there used to be a server called that and there was a rivalry of some sort
  12. M E C C A for gamers the reason it blurs it out is because there was a server called that and we cant talk about that stuff
  13. In b4 removed took me 10 min to scroll down here
  14. thats right i forgot because you see me posting shit like crazy. I think its more i hate we people bullshit there way through life with the power of mommys money
  15. First off lets all read this post then lets look at joels post in this post and i quote "I will also donate to make Progress go down lol.$100 and make it go from 70% to 60%" and now you are telling someone who is a little angered to go play wastland because he paid for perks looks like from your post that you did not want people to get the perks you paid for only a few weeks ago so make up your mind did you want people to have your perks or no
  16. i was saying i will donate to make the progress go down
  17. i will support this as well
  18. dam it i was just about to share my porcorn with @John Linka 

    1. Linka


      :D its the thought that counts. <3


    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You could have used the salt for your popcorn. McDili stopped it though ( he beat me to it ). You are going to have to get salt elsewhere ;) . 

    3. Stix


      oooo i know where to get salt.........my kitchen table great idea @Bubbaloo <3

  19. am i the only one eating popcorn right now?
  20. Then i would edit it to a cleaner version of what was originally stated
  21. well now whoever changed the title it looks like you are trying to hide something from your community and not letting someone state there opinion
  22. I do think something like this needed to be said but the way you said it was shitty.
  23. this whole post is spot on and i do really do like the special skin for the mohawk for the legacy
  24. o ok was just curious i am with you btw i want to keep my mohawk all to myself i dot care about hatchbacks but not the mohawk
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