I know alot of people are mad about this "new" tilda rule and i have something to say. I do believe that it is hard to agree with this when the Chief of Police's quote is from one of the best RP'ers thst this server has seen says "Winning in Altis Life is playing the RPG aspect of the game. When you have a good session and RP the SHIT out of every situation and be reasonable about how you play." - Wheatkings. And for some FU*KING reason the APD can see the players name above CIV'S heads (I dont think that is RP at all but...) . I think it is because the APD is not wanting to RP. Now I am not saying that this applys to all the APD but a good chunk of the APD just stright up does not RP. From what I have seen when the server started EVERYONE RP'ED and it was a great time but sence then the APD'S RP hase been going down hill.
This in no way is ment to be a rage i was just stating my opinion. And if you have nothing good to say dont say it.