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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Stix

  1. Now i may be wrong and if i am i am sorry but were you even a VIP or did you get tier 5 perks because of staff
  2. ya know what i have not liked the idea of unlocking the stuff for non donors because they are not donors buuuuuut i guess its ok as long as no one gets my tron suite
  3. Does ONN mean Olympus News Network if not could someone tell me what ONN means

  4. i would prefer this over cops just knowing my name
  5. Stix

    The APD

    And the only reason it did not work is because when there are stupid civ saying there is no way on earth that you can ID me the cops just give up because the only officers that RP is some corps and most of the SAPD
  6. Stix

    The APD

    I know alot of people are mad about this "new" tilda rule and i have something to say. I do believe that it is hard to agree with this when the Chief of Police's quote is from one of the best RP'ers thst this server has seen says "Winning in Altis Life is playing the RPG aspect of the game. When you have a good session and RP the SHIT out of every situation and be reasonable about how you play." - Wheatkings. And for some FU*KING reason the APD can see the players name above CIV'S heads (I dont think that is RP at all but...) . I think it is because the APD is not wanting to RP. Now I am not saying that this applys to all the APD but a good chunk of the APD just stright up does not RP. From what I have seen when the server started EVERYONE RP'ED and it was a great time but sence then the APD'S RP hase been going down hill. This in no way is ment to be a rage i was just stating my opinion. And if you have nothing good to say dont say it.
  7. Add about another thousand and you could just get this http://www.fulton-armory.com/fultonarmoryusriflecal762mmm14-1-1-1-1-1-2.aspx but it is you gun so enjoy!
  8. Day 78....The snow has pilled up so high where i cant read the fourms

    1. Pringle Mccringleberry
    2. Stix


      @Pringle Mccringleberry Bring a shovel when you come back and dig my ass out

  9. Thank you for putting up with this while you are studying for finals i think a lot of people dont understand how hard it is to do what you do...Thank you!

  10. I think all of us as a community will overcome...work together we are family

  11. UMMM....HELLOO?
  12. OOOO Olympus what a great community

  13. Msg a Admin on the forum and they can help you
  14. Welcome back... hope you enjoy your stay again
  15. Never got to know you but i know you are a great guy with a great family i wish you the best of luck.
  16. Rip dustins post....

  17. works
  18. video was removed?
  19. Stix

    Tear Gas?

    I agree but i think if you are willing to pay a high price i think you should be able to buy a gas mask. I am think a few 100k
  20. Stix

    Tear Gas?

    You are correct i have been on a wasteland server that had it and they used the heli crew mask for the gas mask but i think that would not work because everyone would be running around with it on so i think it would be best to make it a Y menu thing and make it really expensive
  21. Stix

    Tear Gas?

    there would have to be a rule for it like you only can use them for feds or jail if they are just for cops. i think it might be a bit op if everyone could buy them but for sure some sort of gas mask should be available for everyone.
  22. Stix

    Tear Gas?

    I agree with this i posted my comment the watched the video and i like how it works in the video. Makes you fatigue go to 0 and make your screen blurry i like that.
  23. Just thought of this. I think it would be cool to make red smoke tear gas to where if you go in it it has the same effect as if you were to stand in a fire you slowly loose health if you are near the smoke. also would be cool to have some sort of gas mask to block it from killing you. I don't know if this would be possible but i think it would be cool. Let me know what you think this is also cool diffrent from what i say but would be cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln24HHhyvTo
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