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Everything posted by InTenT

  1. Taking offers on a S2 4 crater house (Large, Yellow)....SS below... SS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1659036438
  2. bump
  3. Nah lmao, whoops totally forgot about that lol ,,, thanks.
  4. Pic 1: https://gyazo.com/72a68f3b341b3dea2a1cd9bb924847a7 Pic 2: https://gyazo.com/10b17e36cd560a6ab52e5bbb77227592 Pic 3: https://gyazo.com/bf0867e5adfb180cebc2f87738072a06 60 meters away from middle of square, decent shots on square. Prolly looking to get around 8-10 mil srry for shitty quality pics >:L
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198130358750/
  6. Bump also @Hadi Mokdad
  7. Gimme me some numbers, its gunna be up there tho
  8. Taking offers on my 4 crater. Literally right next to square, down RDM ally https://gyazo.com/684944eed3dc2ac897f7c6a9235b63ea
  9. Hell yeah, ready to see the future of Olympus!
  10. Fuck around
  11. Just a little thought, since it is the 4th of July. I was thinking if time allowed, maybe putting together a firework show on each server. Just a thought, let me know what ya'll think.
  12. #Pay The Dev's 2019?
  13. @Viper have @Xeltini to allow epi when he gets knocked out, so I can watch round two! This is the whitest shit I've ever seen...
  14. Tree doing meth....Huhhhhhhhh
  15. Let's just remove all factions and make cartel fighting a passenger seating frenzy.
  16. If this isn't Olympus cartel fighters, then idk what is...
  17. Uhhh gimme gimme
  19. InTenT


    o7 brother
  20. Uh |REAL| hello
  21. 100% +1 AMEN
  22. Ghosthawks should only be pulled for federal events, not on me and my poor little hummingbird, after yoinking a po to rob his gear. +1
  23. +1 Remove the rain, but keep some night time
  24. Say it louder for the people in the back
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