A couple buddies and I were thinking, why can't you list the house for the price you desire, and that would be what would show on the realtor, so.. lets say you list your house was 500k, said player could go to the realtor, and buy the house for 500k... this way it would be a community ran market and it would limit scams... thoughts?
Maybe make War Points capable of being exchanged for $$ then? Like, 1 war point could be 10k, something of the sort?
Granted it wouldn't help with what you're saying its doing, but... just a thought.
I don't see why it would be, literally nothing good to spend war points on aside from normie shit, the ASP is trash... Mar-10 is off the market... i'd just like to see a change in pace and find a use for such, ya know?
I was thinking maybe the development team could implement being able to exchange war points for illegal vehicles such as an ifrit/strider/hunter/armed plane/technical... ect… thoughts?