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Posts posted by GregoV1

    3 minutes ago, Tyler Halley said:

    Also, putting NLR in or restricting it 2-3 deaths would take away higher ranks spending more due to the fact that you wouldn't lose as many helis. You lose so much cause you keep pulling them due to no NLR. You ever thought of that? 

    Dude your honestly fucking high on something!?! I didn't loose helicopters for NLR. I lost them to patrolling and a cop who flew crashed and didn't give me money to a guy ramming into it just to save his friends. If you can't come up with something logical to discuss I'm leaving the topic and someone else can rip you a new one with what you're trying to propose. 

    1 minute ago, Tyler Halley said:

    Going up that high in APD is also not a requirement. You took the test and chose that for yourself knowing what would come. 

    Sooooooo... you will just be APD to be a perm PO?!?!? Fine by me if you do that :)

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