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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. Seeing Ryan go from being a dirty Trident player to moderator then eventually owner has to be one of the biggest turn arounds I have seen. It's like seeing a crack addict go from eating shit in the streets to wearing a suit and having a corporate job in 5 years. It is unbelievable and interesting to have seen the growth. McDili was still the funniest biggest racist owner, but luckily Ryan didn't run out to get milk so he ight. I made so many friends and enemies in this place, so happy early birthday Olympus! I still am upset at Ryan for denying my contributor application 4 years ago when Glux was around, would've made a boss texture developer
  2. @ The Sovereign This would be a more accurate recruitment video! Shoutout @ Xlax edit: Don't wanna support cheating, removed the video but it was a video of a accurate recruitment video from Aegis
  3. No way these fucks used 2 arma clips in their news video of Israel https://youtu.be/ZLbTnAqTPpU?si=v6NY6O578PTw1HzQ&t=202

    1. xsmitherz


      Is that an AEGIS black water? Hahaha

  4. @ Rexo Happy Birthday Cam, hopefully this birthday is dope and like cool or whatever.. Maybe I'll send you a carton of cigarettes to contribute to your vice. Anyway love you pal, stop being weird and get of the house more!

    Are you a short or long type of guy as well?

  5. No one cares about what you have to say loser
  6. https://www.twitch.tv/bad_co_/clip/AggressiveAmazonianCatLeeroyJenkins
  7. Fuck you and your o7 Didn't @ me!
  8. ngl best streamer NA

    1. Monks


      Have you seen me

  9. people like this make people think gamers are idiots who jerk off at there computer and juul


  10. wtf I didn't get supervisor 😞 


    for real @Jonesy @gibgab @Overlord grats you guys

    @Secret Agent I forgot to say it but congrats my internet dad ❤️ 

    @GluxDesigns have fun in retirement and watching Stranger Things in peace without worrying about late skins from @kylef

  11. Fuck off dumb bitch

  12. @Slumberjack congrats on  a worth while promo.

    @Childish Thanks bean dad for the things you did for me ❤️

    @Richard fuck you

  13. The guy under me looks like a discount Tacosmell

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz
    3. Noodles:D


      Holy shit you're not kidding. It's like looking in one of those joke mirrors at those fun houses.

    4. Noahhh!
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