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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. Walt owes me 500k now and I haven't yet been paid
  2. No That’s never been a rule to my knowledge
  3. weren't you banned for associating with scripters?
  4. All the best Sov, we are sad that you're leaving, it was nice to speak to you before you went. If you ever decide to come back, even on a secret alt, hit me up in-game and I'll hook you up with money, titans, vehicles etc. CTF TNM
  5. I use YouTube Premium because I'm a well adjusted human being so cannot share my playlist.
  6. the admins that warned me are still active so the wounds still cut deep
  7. throwback to when if you alt f4'd immediately after dying you'd keep your kit
  8. buying tasers + qilin smoke + orca smoke
  9. You can extract them from Arma 3 itself and edit the files in photoshop, there's tutorials online
  10. The red on black gets washed and mixed, better to border the text with a diff. colour to help
  11. Top tier community manager, saving us civs from mega vigis
  12. Some of these suggestions are insane and overpowered please argue on my behalf that most of these should never be implemented on the server.
  13. Wah I can’t post people’s personally identifiable information online wah
  14. How's the airflow on it? I know most older PC models were absolutely awful for airflow because it wasn't really considered in those days
  15. i like the mass killing in restraints, doing a service o7
  16. be quiet this will allow me to wear Straw Hat (Dark) on medic woohoo
  17. when i can see through walls it doesnt say staff esp enabled either (it's because i have hacks)
  18. If you're racist on the forums I hear you get your money back
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