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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. sheesh if that's classed as doxxing you shouldn't mention that i'm a multimillionaire male fitness influencer who currently holds the natural male bench press record cause that could be considered doxxing too
  2. I thought lethal guns were deleted upon being picked up by APD members chat is this real
  3. My name is John. I am 28 years old. I am the best on this server at skilled and unskilled PvP and my kill to death ratio is potentially in the hundreds in real life and in game. I am also a commercial realtor in Baltimore, Maryland. Skateezy's photo is what happens when you don't pay up. @ Little Kev when are you paying the money for reading my status. Don't make me tag the admins. Can anyone donate $20 to my PayPal so I can afford some dinner tonight? @ Ryan I see the donation goal has been reached, hit me up with $20. I once played an Among Us tournament with some guy named Joseph, not sure his last name cause whenever I asked him he seemed to get really offended and say "Bye, then" so I told him I wouldn't push the topic further with him. He could be a felon I'm not sure I tried to contact my local police department but they have my number blocked due to excessive calls regarding seeing people in my street that I do NOT respect (they are children) but they will never come out and arrest them like I wanted them to so they got a court order to prevent me calling them but unfortunately they couldn't stop or prove it was me so they just blacklisted my number. I've been burgled 50 times since but I can't report it. I guess that's just what happens when you live in the freest country on Earth ( AMERICA WOOHOO ). It's just a shame we rank so low in education my brother is illiterate because he was arrested by the police for not having a clear and see through backpack and not walking through metal detectors that he is required to walk through just to get an education because we have so many restrictions on what we must do to acquire some kind of education, but fuck education cause we've got free and open access to firearms, second amendment woohoo! It's just a shame three of my other siblings (technically double-siblings woohoo USA USA) have died in mass shooting events. But it's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue we shouldn't restrict the private ownership of firearms - but we also should not fund any form of socialised or universalised healthcare system because it's my tax dollars going to work bombing poor brown people in a third world country who don't even understand what a plane is from the comfort of an air-conditioned office that I'd prefer my tax dollars to go to! Fuck all these freeloaders on welfare and needing socialised healthcare, I have health insurance to cover the cost of my $700 epi-pen for when I accidentally eat peanuts (haha it sounds like penis) when the food I eat at a chain restaurant is contaminated due to poor and non-universal laws dictating that sometimes they don't have to declare major allergens but my co-pay is only $640 (excess exempt). But even then I'll spend $2125 (national avg.) on an ambulance but HELL YEAH BROTHER I wish they'd replace the ambulance with a Ford Raptor truck that only has 10mpg (unless it's rolling coal [this is legal in most US states]) that takes up most of the entire lane (why are there so many road fatalities in the US by the way) and has nearly ZERO regulations on what shitboxes can get on the road, but the Raptor can just BONK em outta the way amirite guys? Don't forget the truck nuts cause a truck looking in any way feminine is socialism and perhaps effeminate things could actually be the fabled Antifa... But fuck yeah US number 1
  4. 🚨 ALERT 🚨

    Everyone reading this owes me 500k and I will take it via in-game wiring. Failure to comply will result in a player report.

    🚨 END ALERT 🚨

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mighty



      Please, don't report me!

    3. doubleueyeceekay


      You have been spared from being reported @ Mighty  thank you for your patronage. I was just about to press CTRL+Enter on the report as well.

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      I dont have 500k to give you brother (gambling addiction) but when i hit big (bound to happen soon) i got you

  5. Sometimes when I take people hostage in game I give them an offer to do a quiz, where you get given 5 quiz questions. If you get 100% correct you get between $250k and $1m. If you get 4 correct you get released with your gear. Any lower you get executed. People usually consent to the quiz. The quiz is usually some simple quiz from @mahanlankarani on TikTok. I usually select one of the “everyone can get them right” ones because it’s more fun.

    I’ve kept tally of the people’s country of origin when I do the quiz. The results are as follows.

    95% of people from the US fail to get more than 3 questions correct. This represents 1 person getting 4, and one person getting 5.

    10% of people from the UK fail to get more than 3 correct. This represents 1 person failing. IIRC it was someone who was from IGSF at the time. 80% of them get the questions correct to at least 4. 1 person called me a racial slur before starting the quiz, thereby violating the implied terms of the quiz.

    The EU countries have such a low sample size it’s better to group them all together. 35% of people get at least 4 questions correct from this group, which can be explained by the language barrier. 

    This is hard data showing a damning indictment of the US education system. The questions are not difficult. They’re targeted usually around middle to high school level. I will skip questions and replace with others if there’s a question they will have no chance at getting (major UK/EU/AS/ME cities etc.)




    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lucien
    3. Toretto


      @ Boovin  America’s debt is fake and it won’t matter! But this old shell of a man as president is not a good look. We’ll get a proper gent in office in 2024.

    4. Rufus


      I am running for the presidency in 2024. 

  6. I am a verified genius make a forum tag for it and make me it, as some rando from Aegis said I am on top of the mental scale.
  7. Olympus and harbouring sex freaks, what do you expect it’s a tale as old as time, VX were lead by pedos, the R&R leadership were sex pests except Marcus, some senior APD members were sexual deviants. Not surprised support team sherriffjohnbeard is also one of those types of people don’t you think it’s a bit funny for this to have been posted by a man with [removed] if you need CV tips and advice bud shoot me a DM, I know it’s hard to make them and apply for jobs sometimes pal
  8. Thanks for applying to Aegis, unfortunately you did not lick the boots enough so your application has been placed on hold. If you put all of your arma hours into learning a skill you'd be an expert in it by now.
  9. Why my post get deleted 





    free up @ Rufus  @ CHEESE1  @ mat the w  @ Montez  @ Dante  @ Boovin  me from the discord @ I bought olympus for 50k  apd whitelist and everyone hawkg wants unbanned, if the big spooky terms of service violations can be overruled for Makos buddies it can be overruled for them too. They’re reformed, good men.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rufus


      What if you’re flaming Mako for his decisions that could cause issues for Olympus?


      also free @ Rufus


      thanks @ Rufus

    3. doubleueyeceekay


      Time to talk exclusively in shibboleths, poems, and riddles

    4. buckie
  10. Hello fraali I have a question: if you warning shot a heli, but you accidentally hit it, are you able to just redo the warning shots properly or are you just ruined and can’t do it
  11. I reported you. You straight RDM'd me. When I disputed you, you said: You claim to not mind but here you are on the forums crying that you got banned when you straight RDM'd me. Hmm... If you watched my video you'd see that you hard RDM me and I was using a stolen police taser, hence the reasonable amount that I demnaded from you in comp.
  12. Good evening, It appears that you may have already found the solution. You could use the Komatsu 9010C to dig up your driveway and then store it but then you run into the problem of a dirty excavator which would look bad and may cause mechanical dysfunctions with the excavator. When I dug up my driveway I had initially paid the local Scottish labourers to do it but their presence brought down my property value by £500 so I sacked them and I am withholding payment until after Christmas as punishment for lowering my property value. I then decided upon a 150 ton mini excavator to dig it up, I had initially purchased a second hand one but it was burned out a few days when I left it outside because I was drunk on cheap white cider. I then decided upon the Komatsu 9010C as I had heard good reviews of it on TripAdvisor. I purchased it and it allowed me to excavate my driveway in around 3-4 days. It wasn't cheap but it was well worth it. It almost was burned out but I luckily had a Thirmalert MKII fire suppression system inside which reduced the fire damage. I wonder how it keeps happening. Hope that helps. Kind regards, Amogus DLC
  13. Sorry bro, I’m having to use voice dictation on my iPhone 15 promax because I’m currently driving and I’ve had a few pints of alcoholic beverage so I’m not really very good to type at the moment. Sorry bro, I’m having to use voice dictation on my iPhone 15 promax because I’m currently driving and I’ve had a few pints of alcoholic beverage so I’m not really very good to type at the moment. Wow that’s so cool you say the words. It will make a For you Anyways, I was browsing TikTok the other day, and I saw an advert saying that the Komatsu 9010C is actually not going to be their flagship product anymore because they’re moving to the mini excavator business. I’m not exactly sure the use case that you will find of the larger excavator and whether or not you are in extreme requirement of a larger excavator I personally I’m very happy with my mini excavator and I find it incredibly useful for all of my excavating needs. I’ve also seen some good opportunities at drop shipping. The excavator if you know what I mean, there’s some good Chinese sellers of excavators and they will sell it quite cheap and made to an adequate standards for EU usage, however, it is important to note that you may need to add your own branding to the excavators if you wish to sell them as otherwise the people that you sell them too may then purchase a directly from the suppliers which is an obvious supply chain issue that could be easily remedied by adding your own branding, and saying that that you could constructed them in the EU or United Kingdom to comply with requirements hope that helps buddy. hope that helps buddy. Kind regards. Among us, DLC No, they have a captive audience. I would like to make the official suggestion that with the Olympus DLC mod that is currently floating around. Could the tractors instead be replaced by excavators. This would allow for greater RP experiences as well as providing some use to the tractor has very low use case at the moment.
  14. I was having a posh wank and I got a phone call from my good buddy Grandma Gary, or Big Gaz as we call each other (best buddies and potentially even soulmates) which interrupted the hot ballsack inflation video I was watching, Ballsack Bursters III if you’re interested, a bit different from Ballsack Bursters I and IV in my opinion, different director or something, lest we forget what happened in Ballsack Busters II, director got sent down for at least 5 years for that one haha. Oh yeah so I put down the iPad Mini (I have it so my cock looks bigger) and picked up my iPhone 15 Pro Max with DBrand Minecraft Hentai skin and case (gotta be safe) and answered the phone and Big Gaz (Grandma Gary) said “G’d’day mate” (he is secretly Australian the whole Irish thing is for the Plebians here). And I responded “What’s up you big smella, I was jelqing it here” and he said “Heard of this nightmare on the forums with some boy named TheLowborn, bad mojo bro, can you get the admins to unban him” and I was dumbfounded because he is the head admin so I asked him why he couldn’t unban TheLowborn himself and he said he was actually in Magaluf at the minute with his other best mates Strafe and CaloomClark and he said he was so deep in the fembussy that he had to put his wellies and waders on, whatever that means, and so I had to tell you @ TheLowborn to directly ask the admin that banned you to unban you on behalf of @ Grandma Gary since he’s a bit busy at the mo thanks in advance bro have a good one I’m going back to watch the Bursters IYKYK
  15. Make a ban appeal but include that I said you should be unbanned and it should be approved by head admin @ Grandma Gary
  16. 1) You’re a retard, warning shots are 3x shots near but not on the helicopter 2) He did actually shoot back and I think hit you before he died, which I would argue is him accepting initiation 3) Video prior to death is not 5 mins long I’ve had a report declined before for being 4:55 before I died
  17. sov has got these guys absolutely crying and sobbing haha
  18. @ Rexo  unblacklist me my hands are no longer covered in oil so I will not drop any tasers (until they get covered in oil again)


    Also unblacklist our dear friend

    @ I bought olympus for 50k

    Unfairly blacklisted for political reasons

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