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Posts posted by Jester

  1. 14 minutes ago, Doof said:

    I can confirm that @ Jester  was very unprofessional when it came to this matter. Poor jake sims told me they wouldn’t even wait for his evidence to be uploaded, @ ThatNerdyGuy  and this racist support team member are working with deputy Dan to make the APD racist and I will not stand for this.

    wtf are you talking about I haven't joined TS in months nor do I play the game anymore

  2. 12 minutes ago, your name said:

    Soooooo DB is taking over?

    Already did

    11 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:

    I can’t believe the amount of fish taking this bait

    wtf are you even talking about. It’s literally on video 

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  3. Just now, Pledge said:

    Honestly this whole situation was fucked. Part of it was understandable but part was not.The fact that a non senior support member denied an app and made a final call is somewhat fucked, but pure discussion is not.

    Completely agree

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  4. Just now, KGB JOSH said:

    @Jester I would say some dumb shit about you but I dont want everyone to know my home address so...

    This made me laugh xd


    I was surprised when you first got moderator, but that changed as I saw how much work you did. Still don't understand how you didnt get admin (oh wait, this sever is full of biased retards!). Anyway, good luck in life and join ts every once in a while :p

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