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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Oh you guys are probably talking about @ The_Real_Jester . I am not racist.
  2. wtf are you talking about I haven't joined TS in months nor do I play the game anymore
  3. who gave me these tags I havent played this game in years

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Jester


      and who took my retired senior support tags???

    3. Jester


      @ Dr Wiener Breath MD best thing that happened to me on this server

      @ Millennium Please delete joshs comments I dont like to be doxxed

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season


  4. who took my retired tags

  5. @Diamond_dropimagine getting mad about me joining a support room when you aren't even support haahahaha this game is literally ur life you fat white kid

    1. bummm
    2. Diamond Drop

      Diamond Drop

      You are so right! Preach!

    3. buckie


      Imagine still being a random when all u do is sit in teamspeak and pretend to be an important member of this dead community

  6. It wasn’t that serious

  7. Cough cough atm cough cough

  8. Congrats @Secret Agent you will do well

    o7 @GluxDesigns 😞

  9. @Kedar I knew you could do it, congrats


    1. JuanDeaged


      they botched it

      such good ft's and they fucked it

    2. Jester


      Gunna's part sucked but Nav and Travis were heat imo

  11. Happy birthday to the wave master @Noodles:D

    1. Noodles:D


      Thank you to the best doctor an my favorite kavala scat

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