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Everything posted by goooooon

  1. happy birthday @ proud I can not lose, I was up grindin', they snooze

  2. I started on this server at 10 years old(now 17), watching frankie1080p playing arma so I begged my mom for a pc for christmas lol. This server definitely does not help with maturing you lol, personally I think I've learned every racist word, and every double meaning word lmao. Hella fun to jump back on and do what I do best rdming and gambling I need to win that 40m to make me play again ! heres a old clip
  3. someone loan me out please? i pay back!

  4. can anyone spare gambling funds? image.png

  5. screaming i need attention stfu you mud possum
  6. can someone give me a loan 

    1. Kyle


      just go to the casino

    2. goooooon


      i need a loan to go to said casino

  7. offer. Jeep**
  8. selling 2 mk1 tasers and mar10 taser
  9. selling at casino as defeated me 

  10. 140 to 10 to 140 again https://streamable.com/6u163r

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goooooon


      Yeah I kept getting 1ms after I was at 140, I wasn’t doing green tho. It hit 5/10 spins green down to 130m

    3. goooooon
  11. 1.2
  12. 2.2 4m for everything but the rpg
  13. rpg alr sold
  14. T4 is stackable btw
  15. goooooon

    telos 4c

  16. goooooon

    telos 4c

    telos 4c, offer me
  17. Can we get a 🤓emoji added as a reaction

  18. Seems like the femboy himself is the only one getting mad at it
  19. goooooon

    Buying tase

  20. hey man without big reds you wouldnt have all these fine fine aerial vehicles, with being the creator of big reds I would like to loan out a few of them please contact me ASAP
  21. Rip bro actually kinda hit me, here is my all time favorite clip of him https://streamable.com/xe3ri0
  22. How much
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