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Everything posted by |Casper|

  1. He can show you ingame....
  2. Nhaaa. Gotta go over 4 mil
  3. Offer
  4. There aint any 4 craters for sale there, and its hard to get ur hands on one.
  5. Im selling my 4 crater in Dp22 on S2 pic: If your intrested in buying it please post your offer below!
  6. Got a 4 crater in DP22 message me if u wanna make a deal. S2
  7. I got a a 4 crater and a 2 crater in dp22 on s2 Send me a dm if ur intrested.
  8. |Casper|


    nO gIvE mE uR aTtEnTiOn DaDdY!
  9. |Casper|


    Please dont post a shit montage on these forums either, Im sure you will get bullied off this server aswell.
  10. Stop sucking TI`s fucking dick.
  11. Im always on s2! Come fight rn
  12. everytime i log on and ask for fights nobody shows up. Have not had 1 single fight in like 4 days
  13. I personally dont think there is anything that can bring back the old days. Not enough new people are into gang stuff and not enough og people invite the new peps and show them around.
  14. Its not a sniper, and it could not be a sniper that thing cant hit anything above 500 m.
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