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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Holy shit. I totally misread the year, thought it was 2015. I'm crying from laughing so hard! Edit: I looked at the date and was like "Oh, this is only 12 days old, not too bad of a necropost..."
  2. Page no longer exists
  3. Whoah! Business suit does not equal swag. Same with fedoras. Just ask this guy: https://youtu.be/JUVOgPzXm7g
  4. Asshole didn't even say "APD, hands up or be tazed"
  5. Did you at least text him?
  6. How did you fix it? In case others run into similar problems, and for personal curiosity.
  7. So after the reinstall, you no longer have the memory issue, but your tilde issues persists? I'd say maybe uninstall one more time, use a registry cleaner so that old registry entries don't carry over and try again? Sucks that you have to redownload Arma though...
  8. You realize if someone is wanted for a large amount of crimes, they'll get their faces plastered all over the place? Check out the FBI's most wanted list, it'll have a full description, pictures, aliases, etc. You were wanted for a lot, so you were hunted down. Thats not true at all. Just last night, a group of 4 of us were caught, one was sent to jail, one got a severely reduced ticket from 100K to 20K, and 2 of us got pardoned. It obviously depends on the cops too, but if your RP is good, and you're not being a little bitch, you can get away with some stuff.
  9. 5 Minute shadowplay recording that saves to a folder thats linked to my Google Photo's account. Automatically uploads in the background, so usually by the time I'm done with my play session, the video is already uploaded and ready to be linked in a report. If I'm playing on cop, I'll usually just stream on Twitch and make highlights out of what I'm reporting.
  10. This video shows exactly why we need ghillie suits. Ignore the fact that he didn't wait 5 seconds for the guy to react before combat restraining him.
  11. Its the one where you try to run your ball into the opposite teams base while they defend it by throwing their bodies at you, I believe?
  12. Its definitely a lot more than I would have paid, but yeah, I haven't built a computer from scratch in years. Like Cuzzi said, upgrading ftw. Its not as big of an impact on your wallet, and you're only buying what you really need at the time.
  13. Oh Jeez, just imagine an Olympus Minecraft server. No structure would be safe from MC.
  14. In Olympus TS is a channel for people looking for groups. It may seem weird to do, but when I first started out, I'd go into that channel and it wouldn't take very long until someone else showed up that was in the exact same boat as you. That's how I met some of the guys that I ended up forming decent gangs with.
  15. And you should get a 980 instead? I'm not sure you should be letting a friend like that build your computer out of parts that you're going to be paying over a grand for... The power itself is supplied by your PSU, and at 600 watts, it might be a little low, but you'd want to use a calculator for that. I would think it should be fine though. Also, if you want some peace of mind, check this, states on there that its compatible with it.: http://us.msi.com/support/mb/Z97-GAMING-5.html#support-vga EDIT: I also noticed a few other changes. You downgraded to a 960. At that point, you may want to look at a 770, as it outperforms the 960.Their a little more expensive, but are still cheaper then the 970's. And do you plan on actually heavily overclocking your CPU? I have it overclocked somewhat, but the CPU performs great without OCing it. Reason I ask is that you're doing the liquid cooling (which I almost did) but I figured I'd try without it and add it later if anything. The stock fan that comes with it is REALLY decent, and I have had 0 issues with overheating. You can save yourself $100 and if anything just buy it later. And if you're not great with computers, most people are going to recommend you don't mess with overclocking. The OC Genie that comes with your Mobo will overclock it decently and you won't need liquid cooling for it. Honestly, I feel like your friend might be trying to get you to get things based on "coolness" factor.
  16. The sound card that's built into it is pretty amazing IMO. It was a very noticeable difference when I switched to that mobo from an old ASUS. And why does your friend say you won't be able to game? Is he saying its not compatible, or that its not good enough?
  17. Is it a new link? The link that I'm clicking still has the i7 and 980.
  18. Ah, ok then yeah, you're kinda stuck with that. And I only meant that if money is tight, you can get away with a 970. Unless you plan on having some super duper monitor, 980's are overkill with the current generation of games, no matter what anyone says. And since you mentioned 45FPS being fine (which honestly, you'll most likely be getting way more than that) you can save yourself some money.
  19. How about upgrading your computer one or 2 parts at a time? Technically I've had the same computer for 12 years, but its been upgraded so many times that at this point the oldest part besides my hard drive is like 2 years old.
  20. Is the WiFi adapter really necessary? I have that same MoBo and it has that "Killer Ethernet Controller", which is supposed to really cut down on any latency that is caused by your computer. A WiFi adapter kind of defeats the purpose. And if you want to save some money, you can probably downgrade the video card. I have the GTX 770 and like others have said, Arma really isn't GPU intensive. GTX 770 has served me well for BF4, Arma, GTA V, and a few others. Not that I'm saying you should get the 770, but the 980 might be overkill. I have my arma settings attached and I'll usually get at least 50 FPS, if not 70. Lowest I've seen it go was 43 with heavy server fog and some smokes deployed.
  21. Please don't call the cyberpolice on me! I don't want to be back-traced again
  22. Jeez, what do you play on? A pentium 4?
  23. I do recall a post stating that if a person is not a threat to you in anyway, and 5 minutes is up you can store it. I believe the specific example was an Orca flying around you, which can't be shot out of.
  24. This used to be an officially written rule, and was removed on March 1st, 2015. Up until recently, it was one of those things that was quoted by everyone, but was not actually true. Read my previous post. It USED to be considered combat logging, was removed as combat logging, and apparently now is combat logging again. What I'm saying is that people should be informed of this recent development in an official post, and not a random post inside someone else's complaint thread. This is how all the confusion starts in the first place, and before long we're going to be having situations again like when Wheatkings said one thing and Hades would say the exact opposite. EDIT: And a Mod just said in TS that the problem should be fixed and that banning for it should be lifted. Obviously word is not getting around.
  25. So heres my issue with this: Has it been stated anywhere officially? I would have been hella pissed had I rage alt-F4'd after being killed and then ended up getting banned for that. How long has this been true for?
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