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Everything posted by 6lack

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3428011288 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3428011299 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3428011323
  2. This is racism.
  3. <21:22:00> "ikiled": Congrats to the first african american chief of Olympus history! Thank Pledge for making that milestone happen and wish him a farewell in his PMs.
  4. 6lack


    One last rock, paper, scissors bet? o7
  5. and if you already have a gang do the server a favor and get the fuck out of Kavala.
  6. where is my prize?
  7. 3-0
  8. kid never fights but hes got good ideas
  9. Exactly
  10. You posting this pisses me off because I know you were around when Olympus was popping. The servers are never full and most of the people that do play are scats.
  11. I agree but the only reason that the gang cap idea is brought up is because unless we unban everyone ( we should) there isn’t enough people to fill up gangs to fight.
  12. I agree something should be done about a fed event starting with 4 POs and 1 Deputy on and then 7 corporals and 2 lieutenants who were afk join because they have a notification set for the fed channel
  13. It’s not a problem the problem is big gangs are complaining that they have no one to fight but if they split into multiple smaller gangs it would lead to more people willing to fight each other. However the only reason that that problem exists is because all the gangs that fight get banned
  14. Yeah that’s probably the only way you could get big gangs to split
  15. Yeah but also you could just add the same cap to groups
  16. Yes but they wouldn’t be able to take cap if they couldn’t all be in the same gang
  17. Fairly simple solution to split up gangs would be to just add a cap to members of a gang
  18. I see a lot of people arguing that Olympus still has a lot more players than asylum therefore we don’t need to change anything. However I rarely see the servers full. When Olympus was at its peek you’d have to spam for 15 minutes to get on the server at almost any given time. Unbanning some of the kids who are banned for arguably retarded reasons could help.
  19. Start unbanning
  20. this belongs in a museum...
  21. Does all of [GF] play with Nintendo Switch controllers?
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