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Everything posted by Cunfuzle

  1. Give ya 50USD for it
  2. VX is shit. Back to the BurBan days we go
  3. So if I got banned two years ago for RDM and I dont know why and it doesn't say the staff member who banned what do?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cunfuzle


      I have lol. Doesnt say thats the problem

    3. ToeKnee


      just put i don't remember

    4. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      We're looking into it, we've switched to a new system since you were banned and are currently going through the old one to figure it out

  4. Sometimes I forget what olympus is. With all this talk of AFM sometimes I think im playing a flight sim

  5. Yes they said I have no evidence. I wasnt aware I needed to take pictures of my purchase. I wasn't even refunded the crate
  6. They should have a log. And i sent a ticket two days ago nothing yet
  7. I am aware that they can be destroyed temporarily. But its been two days
  8. I did. I logged sync'd and everything. The server even restarted then they were gone
  9. Because i placed one in my house and it disappeared
  10. Is it possible for a player to gun down or glitch and destroy my storage crate?
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