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Everything posted by AverageSmartCar

  1. It's inside the redzone though, which means i can see if someone is at phosphorus on the respawn menu
  2. server 1 or 2?
  3. It's Jack. Do you expect any less from him?
  4. I'll sell you a 1 crate inside of red phosphorus for 1.5
  5. Don’t bother if you aren’t going to be reasonable.
  6. S2 800 storage https://gyazo.com/2493198e92f6e859de9df67830944579
  7. He agreed to 7m with me. But I didn’t buy it because I thought it was server 2 not 1
  8. HMU with offers
  9. I bought the garage for anyone interested
  10. 6mil
  11. All houses make money my guy
  12. I’ll give you 6 mil for it
  13. Make offers
  14. PM me offers
  15. I’ll do 3 million for all 3 pilot covs
  16. The house is on the market for 4 mil. Non-negotiable. Hop on and go buy it if you are interested. 400 unprocessed mushrooms already in it and ready to go.
  17. He'd be stupid to just tell you his rock bottom.
  18. If it isn’t already sold I’ll do 4 mil
  19. Damn. Thought it was server 2 for a second. I have a 4 crater on 2
  20. I’ll take all 4 quilins
  21. I payed 50k for 6 of em yesterday.
  22. There is no mk18 tased dumbfuck
  23. What kind and what price for them
  24. HMU with pricing
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