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Jelly Donut

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Jelly Donut

  1. lalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalalala

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Do you think you will lose viewers if I keep you restrained and blind folded for 1 hour? 

    2. Jelly Donut
    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Let’s test that theory out 

  2. Oly News Update: 
    Tonight's breaking News!!! 
    Sov has been removed. 
    She told someone to KYS
    She has talked to the news station and has decided to quit arma. We believe this is best! 
    "In all seriousness everyone chill tf out its like a 13year old game ffs"

  3. Happy Birthday to @ Alfie  and @ Colt  we share the best day ever

  4. how much for - orca smoke - Prowler Smoke HMG Good deal might cop both
  5. Sold DP22 Garage
  6. Edit : DP 15 Garage Gone Selling DP3 Garage
  7. Selling DP22 Garage Selling DP15 Garage Selling 3 Crater for Meth (Abdera Above DP5 Below North Air) Selling 3 Crater DP22 Near Garage Send Offers
  8. How much orca smoke?
  9. @ Antonio519 It is available its not the realtor or u can send best offer!
  10. Looking for 2.5mil Willing to take best offer. Has Frogs and Upgraded https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354547590/screenshot/2479875696758984900/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354547590/screenshot/2479875696758984443/
  11. How Long Does It Take AP To Kill A Medic??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I hope they report you for not valuing your life so we can get a video of their comms.

    3. Tman15tmb


      You should have taken them all the way to Kavala 😂

    4. Jelly Donut

      Jelly Donut

      @ Community Director Sov  I can agree on one post u have made lmao. I would love to see there comms 

  12. It’s a very beautiful hotel
  13. Why every time I open these fucking forums @ Community Director Sov has a fucking yappanese post..... I cba to read that bro.... 

    1. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Yet here you are talking about me. 

    2. buckie


      She’s obsessed with a server she wasn’t on when it was real. It explains how she has any position of power and hasn’t been bullied into the grave yet.

  14. It’s crazy this server has been out for 10 years and it’s still poppin that’s wild
  15. @ WALT    JUSTIN FIELDS AND RUSSELL WILSON thoughts??? I like 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. billdroid


      Fields just watched the bears create a top 5 offense and lost his starting spot and team in the same week. He’s suicidal

    3. dabventuretime
    4. Tman15tmb


      Get ready to hear, "Steelers country, let's forge!" or something similar and cheesy to the crap he said when he was with Denver.

  16. Today @ CaloomClark  wanted to make an apology video to Senior R&R. I hope this video makes it to them swiftly. Thankyou @ Olsson  (Medic Hostage) | @ LateWeevil  (Criminal) | @ CaloomClark  (Main Character APD) 
    | @ knifemaster  (Co - Director) ENJOY! 


    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. LateWeevil


      This man deserves an unblacklist

    3. Jelly Donut

      Jelly Donut

      This shit is so funny I dont believe he actually went through with it. He had to be drunk no?

    4. Zeuse


      Rafa and I done it better 🤷‍♂️

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