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Everything posted by CIA JOSH



    Id do that on civ as well
  2. U do realize its a 1 armor right lol. I can wear that and a bike helmet
  3. Ill will beat the shit out of you fatass

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheKingSage


      He's literally the most anorexic dickwads I know, kid literally weights 90 pounds... you'd swear his mother just birthed the little queer.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      U look like a fuckin bowling ball on steroids u fatass onion

    4. TheKingSage


      I can get off to that

  4. I only use my keyboard to actually manipulate the Heli. I use mouse for camera doh
  5. cant u buy this at rebel?
  6. Altis is the only place where a houses value goes up when its in the middle of a massive gang activity and high crime rate area
  7. That’s what the forums are for. Have you seen rapidkillz ideas?
  8. I might just throw you in the bonfire
  9. I’m making a bonfire of all my hopes and dreams, who’s in?
  10. Maybe you should appeal it and have another admin look at it
  11. could have it be a corporal
  12. because thats probably fail RP When did I say anything about processing? I meant it might be a bad idea to let them try to execute a citizen on their own. I mean if they do mess it up its their rank not mine so if you wanna let them go ahead
  13. I think only like a certain rank should get the option. Things would go wrong if you trust deputies and POs to do it lol Well if you think about it, it could almost be a reward for hitting such a high bounty before being caught.
  14. I mean like there should be a specific thing you can do to turn in the bounty like you send him to jail that only high ranks can do but then everyone lines up for a firing squad execution Basically everyone still gets the bounty money like you arrested him but then you execute him
  15. I think that if a civ has like a 4 mil bounty you should be able to do a firing squad execution on them as long as you have a high enough rank and enough cops. It should be possible for everyone to get the money for the bounty and then do the Firing squad so everyone still gets the money but he still gets executed.
  16. Deputies get Suicide Vests and Offroad .50 Cals
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