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its wooter

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Everything posted by its wooter

  1. Lmao
  2. please bro
  3. @special ed child Here’s my deal. 4mill, a ifrit, Type 115 taser, MXM taser, .45 taser, Mx taser , and sting taser , and a kavala house square house, and 5 stones , and a .50 cal Off-road @special ed child
  4. Shiiit. I need this house big time. Only got 6 mill @Greenbum Dogg please let me get the house, i’ll give you a hand job and a ifrit
  5. Most i’ll give is 4 mill because there’s a lot other moonshine houses You have 10 mill?
  6. How much. I’ll give you 3.5mill @special ed child Let me know if you want to sell it to me ASAP
  7. why not..
  8. -MXM Taser -Type115 Taser -MX Taser -Sting Taser -.45 Taser -Put your Prices BELOW
  9. 10k?
  10. If no quilins or prowlers, lower the price of ifrits
  11. Howdy partner, put that big gun away. (2 manslaughter,puts gun away) okay APD hands up or be tased
  12. its wooter


    Sounds about right.
  13. its wooter


    Hmm lil cheap. Looking for a bit more
  14. its wooter


    I’m selling a rook with 1 mag. Looking for big offers
  15. oh ok
  16. actually idk because there was a staff meeting and they are taking out quillins and i believe prowlers. Ima hold off until we get further news
  17. Ye but they are shit easy to get
  18. its wooter


  19. I’ll buy one for 700k @BluePopDm me
  20. they are not worth 750k lmaoooo
  21. i’ll buy the pilot helmet and fatigues @kev
  22. i’ll pay 4.5
  23. its wooter


    put in como request and the staff can’t do anything bout it. The people that are hacking are the same 2 people over and over again. They keep making new accounts they buying arma 3 again then changing there ip
  24. Dm him
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