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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. This thread title offends me.
  2. Titan costs more than a heli so I don't know what your complaining about. You challenge the richest gang on the server and expect them not to be used? And this isn't the first time we've fought scripters. There has been 4 gangs before you, ironically all coming from asylum, and every one of them gets perm'd for the same thing... scripting, duping, exploiting, and rdm. Nv is old news already, nobody cares about this dead thread and your shitty gang.
  3. Just saw this ingame.
  4. Like the last asylum gang that came here, what was it, marauders or something? they all got wrecked, started exploiting and hacking, still lost... then they all got perm banned. good luck.
  5. if youve upgraded to max storage you cant place a crate. its either 4 upgrades or 3 upgrades 1 crate, etc. atleast thats how it was a month ago
  6. Someone mentioned it already but what ever happened to the remake? Welfares big update that will never get released... Poseidons new server overhaul to make it client side... Now with the modded server, where will all the developer attention go? I've already spent a lot of time on altis getting where I am, now you want to basically drop support for it and move on? The reason Olympus has so many players is because it requires no mods... anyone can play and this logic follows with king of the hill and asylum being the most populated servers on arma 3 right now.
  7. Im having flash backs of the wipe. #ripserver3
  8. Must be boring playing like that...
  9. cop texted me surrender or be tazed by apd. I 911 reply with go fuck yourselves.
  10. Im ready for my cut.
  11. event grandmaster john wayne will be absent
  12. #unbanpetemalloy #unbanares #onlyfirstperm

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      Fair trade for trade

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Is Ares banned? O.o WTF, what for?

    3. John Wayne
  13. but top 20 newest players lets me know who i can rdm and abuse
  14. OP says its boring, login do the same thing every day, nothing fresh. reply is were changing the map locations. i dont see any change in that other than hes adjusting his route to copper mines and you get a new health bar...
  15. You missed the real fight with MC vs APD shortly after.
  16. Ireland has the largest internet search query for gay porn. /end
  17. I agree with this aslong as you bring back the better processing areas. Like mushroom, cocaine and some of the legal zones. As for the talent system, make it like asylums. They've pretty well perfected it.
  18. Wrong. Two guys sank their hemmt and with moonshine in it and i landed, killed them, and pulled it out with slings.
  19. John Wayne


    overall time burban has been here the longest and they have the best players... I could tell by playing with them. but they left so currently mc is the strongest gang but they lack focus. db and mafia are to passive. mw has the skills but needs a leader. reapers are up and coming but they don't have the resources yet.
  20. he died in juvie, butt raped
  21. They don't know how to report so just rdm them anyway
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