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Everything posted by Evann

  1. yeah i realize that i know lol 30 people sit in kav all day and rob it is fun ngl but just wish cartels would pop off again
  2. How to lose all money and make energyyy alt f4
  3. Yeah hopefully. I realized.
  4. Oh I thought u meant like Captured 100% when u get on cap and increase the 100.
  5. That’s what I’m saying, what about the new players? The OGs or people that fight are basically gone off Olympus and how are these new players going to find how to fight? Or even learn what a cartel is?
  6. Ok I figured a Lot of people have already thought this but what if the reason that so many people don’t fight is because they are inexperienced or literally don’t know about war zone island/cartels in general. I know this post is useless and everyone already knows this fact but I’m going to post it anyway
  7. Just curious, why increase the % of the cartel?
  8. Didn’t know those statistics I was making this post out of no where for banter but if those stats are true it’s sad.
  9. Out of those civs about (I’m estimating here) maybe 40 fight cartels on a day to day basis. Or try to.
  10. i thought there was a tutorial if u have less than 2 hrs on the server lol
  11. what the duck is that number my phone auto corrected
  12. so the tutorial when you first start on olympus.. if it is implented yet or if there is one.. does it mention cartels
  13. yeah it sucks ass. i love fighting cartels but plague has yellow teeth so it is really hard to win against them because they smell so bad. sike. theyre shit! @Zurph anyways i wish these gangs that had like 6+ people would go on cap. @IGD @Cousin @Memeshack @X @someothers that i forget. but idk man i feel like it is just the players either don't want to lose their kits or they just want to sit in kavala all day, or they literally just dont know what cartels are.. the staff r trying tho hopefully something happends.
  14. shucks, what about showing it up in like the top right or something when you get a war kill? like not a whole text box but like some small text orsomething idk im not a wizard just suggestin
  15. i know the 15% thing is being added but what else could be added do you guys think for cartels and people that cap cartels to make people actually get their 8 people @cousin @igd @memeshack @other gangs that i forget to go to cap and fight?? im not an og but i know from my friends that have played back in 2014-2017 that fights used to pop off everyday and it actually used to be fun to fight cap and people didnt need a reward to do it and it was just for them to be better than the opposing gang. idk what happend to that bc i never fought then
  16. yeah i know you can view it in your y, but if it was because of performace that is understandable. it would be cool if it could be added back but thats just my opinion
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