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Everything posted by Icy

  1. o7 elvis, you will be missed. throughout your life you chirped happily, and even in your final moments your loving Donald cared for you and loved you, as he always will. i will keep elvis in my prayers.
  2. you forget that deputies stack kavala channels.
  3. that sounds like a you problem
  4. Icy

    First Post!

    welcome to olympus. check out the gang recruitment page after a while of being on the server, i'm sure a group of people would be willing to take you in.
  5. doing a run out of that gangshed is b o r i n g takes literally 6 to 7 hours (with 2 people) to process a shed full of ingredients with an orca
  6. lol he comes onto the forums to shit talk the APD but fails to realize the APD is the forums
  7. 1. support 2. new request 3. apd internal affairs 4. fill out form with proof 5. submit
  8. i'm tryna roach cartels with an armed plane give me a BUFF
  9. how about instead of cluttering up the forums with this you sit in the ban center i feel like @Grandma Gary has had too many opportunities to shitpost people recently, and people like this just make it too easy for him
  10. that's a little toxic don't u think? smh.
  11. you can store anything when you're not engaged on... smh.
  12. or you can make a new profile on arma and reinstall battleye using their recommended reinstall protocol
  13. Icy

    my phone

    the goat went to the left and turned into a man after he decided to make tacos
  14. this shit better win the day smh
  15. Icy


    i can see it now.. "give me a pardon and i'll vote for you"
  16. recoil control on olympus? must be pulldowns.
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