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CCP Chairman Slim

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Everything posted by CCP Chairman Slim

  1. Upvoting bc you said slim twice
  2. noice I never knew that, but I'll give that a try soon
  3. I landed on Makrynisi (the island next to rebel boat/airfield), with less than 90m of 'runway.' I would, like to thank the academy and @ EDSON
  4. If it makes you feel any better my shots were shit as well lol good question
  5. Combat stance? Never heard of her
  6. Don't waste your time on smooth brains
  7. i7 10700k RTX 3070 16gb RAM rest is random shit
  8. It's pathetic, but what's new
  9. edgy teens I guess ok strafe read the thread again
  10. Enjoy the blacklist weirdo
  11. Bounty Hunter had a breakdown and tried to ram us while we were in a frit, and sent us to jail right after tasing us. The cop in question has been derek chauvin'd and put out of his misery (blacklisted).
  12. @EDSON
  13. what am I looking at
  14. Resetting the server at this point would kill it, there's no point to it
  15. We barely crossed paths in the REAL/FAKE days but you'll be missed fam, you were a good vigi.
  16. Our tax dollars hard at work
  17. shiii I guess man
  18. fucking around on cop, that's mainly where people see you. Can't really think think of a specific reason on why you're known, you're just kinda there
  19. You're well known but not infamous
  20. that's edson who's recording, not me. I'm just the twat in the background
  21. looking for mx tasers and promets, pm if you've got any. IGN is | AA | Slim
  22. It's a shitpost, just giggle and go back to getting robbed in kav
  23. Prism doesn't put their hands up yet Rick pulled a fast one, this is a national tragedy.
  24. Went to a great wolf lodge when I lived in DC and I loved it as a kid, only place I liked as much was busch gardens, which I highly recommend if you have a family
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