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Everything posted by indian

  1. I love it. Hopefully it doesn’t become Olympus Cartels and take fights away from the 3 main servers. actually nvm, I don’t even see an issue with that since we won’t have to spend money on loadouts and ifrits.
  2. @Ryan so next time some kid I hate DPI jumps across the map when I shoot at him, he can be banned across all oly servers??
  3. Was just about to say that you can’t federal events with gang caps even up to 20 because there’s no way all of them will be on.
  4. With your logic, civs shouldn't have NLR since cops don't have it and since cops don't lose anything such as money or their loadout when they die, civs shouldn't lose their loadout either.
  5. @everyone It actually makes me happy to see that people have been listening to me and that my hours on hours of somewhat constructive rants are actually doing something. Thank you guys for all the reactions and what not, I’m out of upvotes so I won’t be able to hit anyone up with them until tomorrow. All I hope is that olympus can stay on top and that everyone, no matter what faction can have fun without having to get fucked over by things that are effects of unfair rules and guidelines in other factions.
  6. Sounds good then. @Dante Please bring up removing messages as PC to raid warzone as well as maybe increasing the 30 min WZ raid timer to an hour or so incase someone that wants to possibly abuse the system gets in a position of power in the APD. Also is a big turn off for fighting cartels when people read that. @Dante
  7. +1 Were any of the ideas in my constructive post talked about or brought up between staff or APD after the change occurred? @Dante
  8. Thank you, finally, the only reason I applied for civ council was in hopes that people would actually take shit I post seriously instead of shutting me up b/c of stupid shit I’ve said or done in the past or memeing my posts into he ground. And after my constructive post, nothing happened and I doubt anything was brought up from what I said in a staff meeting by @Dante or any other staff member that read the post. Clearly if something was brought up, it probably got shut down so fast by other sAPD (staffAPD) even with the massive support I was getting. tbf, the cops raiding warzone every hour did end after the first week of it being released but I still believe that their is space for abusing that rule with the reset timer for warzone raiding only being every 30 mins. Also so wouldn’t be surprised if the cops not going into WZ only stopped so much because of what @headrip and I don’t were posting.
  9. Can and will do unless someone else I know has some strong arguments for change in how things work.
  10. thanks, I’ll look at it and think about some suggestions later when I’m back on, it really is appreciated knowing that you’re one of couple sAPD that seems to care about how fair and balanced factions are in this community.
  11. Fair enough. Just sucks for me cause I was one of the ones that never enjoyed robbing cops and I never shittalked unless a cop was directly cancerous as shit to me @ChrisGG. Even in fair and fun fights (with lethals), this man would always be salty and butthurt about everything. Tbf, his hate for all of us was probably from what gf said in discord with the naughty N word or whatever and I can somewhat understand being brown myself but if this was the case, hating on an entire group of people for what one person in that group did is pretty wack. Especially knowing that our leader and gf himself apologized for the comment an hour after.
  12. None of them went anywhere because they love Olympus, the thing they didn’t like was people like you that are toxic and make useless comments like the one I’ve just quoted.
  13. What sAPD did to me by camping houses and sheds is comparible to people being able to camp HQs for cops to spawn in for them to get auto tased and robbed of over 50 cop loadouts at a time
  14. Because they want plague and mL to leave with the rest of the cartel gangs that have already left over the months.
  15. fun fights, fights that are worth getting on arma for, not killing 2 people that will not come back to fight after they die once.
  16. Pushing for APD nerfs and trying to keep civs, specifically gangs on the server is junk?
  17. I can go further into debt after I’m done eating but cops aren’t OP on that server, they don’t make half the money olympus cops do. Interactions with cops on that server have actually been fun for me because they’re all mature and none of them robocop or try to buff themselves against civs. I talked to a LT and SGT and they all have gear that POs wear on olympus, they are against buffs for APD and their goals are to enhance the gameplay for civs rather than completely fuck them over and seek revenge such as what 2 lieutenants did to me a couple months ago on olympus. They camped my house with all of the gear I had won for over 5 months in [ - ] with RPGs and other rare gear that actually meant a lot to me. Hawk told me that they sat there for around 2-3 hours just to steal everything that our gang had in our homes. When I lost all my possessions on this server, I was so close to quitting and going to another server with most of the other old [ - ] guys. If that same event happened now and [ - ] was still a thing, Olympus would have lost another major gang to Asylum.
  18. Well thank you, that is awesome to hear.
  19. I would actually hate to switch to asylum but it seems like my last resort at this point because there’s no more fun in gang activities on oly. APD is too OP and somehow makes it’s way into every encounter between civs with their broken loadouts and no nlr, barely any cops ever role play and are all robocops, most of them are on for hours and money so they can sell for IRL, Feds are broken because all updates towards them are all either directly or indirectly APD buffs, sAPD can camp people’s properties until the homeowner gets on and opens a door to give cops the ability to take everything that player had worked so long for in that house, the sAPD that is telling civs to come up with new Fed strats after cops are getting monthly buffs are the ones that only know one strat which is load SDAR’s on 2nd wave, cop stacks go from 6 to 25 with 10 lethals which usually doubles the amount of civs even doing a fed, the list goes on and on. It’s sad knowing that cops have to get buffed on here to compensate how horrible they are. And yes, APD does win again, simply because majority of sAPD is staff on this server and they ultimately decide everything behind the scenes. Corruption at its finest ladies and gentleman, welcome to Olympus. Oh and btw, close to none of what I listed above occurs on asylum, which is why gang life actually has strong potential on there. They already have Jesse and their developers aren’t people in college that’ll most likely leave in less than a year due to schoolwork. Unless shit changes around here or something bad happens over at asylum, it seems to me like Olympus’ demise is near. Maybe, I’m a brain dead idiot and some sAPD is going to bash my head in with some long rant quoting this post. Made this in 20 seconds and I’m open minded so lmk if something that I said isn’t true.
  20. APD being broken as shit on this server is also another reason.
  21. Better than having no gang life at all and only having random civs on that just farm money 24/7 like what asylum was for the last year until the ownership change.
  22. indian


    How much is the pc in total? RTX2070 sounds expensive
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