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Everything posted by Canadian

  1. dm we can talk about it
  2. Are we going to see a APD buff, or a [ - ] gang nerf?
  3. name it, I got it. (taser/cops wise)
  4. @Pledge I still have it, he keeps trying to snake it...
  5. Why is my name on this post??
  6. Special Price for @Grego and @MyersB
  7. Pledge just camp my house for 2 hours again. Sorry for everyone else that tase cops. A LOT of SAPD wear Corporal loadouts now.
  8. Lt. Pledge's loadout including : Taser Mk1 -- Level 4 vest -- NATO Baret | And a Lt. uniform (NOT PLEDGE'S) Special deal for the man himself...
  9. Who else would it be. You are the only one in the heli...
  10. Check out the stream to watch some of the KAVALA PURGE
  11. In the end, he is getting more than $12.50 an hour. He's getting more like $50/hr. If you feel bad for the guy which some of you do, please go to him stream and just sit and watch because at the end of the day he is getting attention. And like every other twitch streamer, attention is good. He said he will be streaming tomorrow at 10pm est so please I invite you to go watch what will go down yesterday. Also please before commenting further on this post, go watch at least one night of him streaming then take your judge from that. Thank you.
  12. Buddy killed 3 apd members and blew up his own orca. #victoryroyale p.s. happened shortly after said person got denied from APD...
  13. y i k e s. As a deputy I can confirm the above... Multiple times...
  14. 1.5mil? 2mil for the garage too
  15. how much for https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/951833417050735358/370B96950EE3BBFAD0C9AB5F22344AED97889936/ - DP3 4 Crater / Garage COMBO
  16. Msg me for price
  17. Msg me for price
  18. 30. If its not 30 Kden thats hella wack
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