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Frog Legs

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Everything posted by Frog Legs

  1. Download the "Dark Reader" extension off of the chrome store automatically puts every site that does not even have dark mode into dark mode
  2. I am a Daft Punk LARPer
  3. k? didnt try to bring down the server with me lmao just wanted to get permed, shit admin btw your signature is really funny
  4. Who ever changed my poll your funny, probably nierGG
  5. fuck that mole rat
  6. fast and simple
  7. Cya boys, o7 Btw ez world record highest bounty ft. @Hisoka 107,633,312 950 black water charges Ty to all the fuckers that made this server playable but, this server is a dying waste of time. Join the toxic cops (@Hisoka @yoppa @TayK @Frog Legs) Duping??? SOMEONE CARRY ON THE TORCH
  8. shit game
  9. Frog Legs


    150k Ill play 200k tho
  10. this guys house is getting wiped...
  11. someone is buying it already srry
  12. Hmu with offers for the DMS or 7.62 Suppressor, you dont have to buy them together
  13. F
  14. lmfao
  15. bruh i thought you were selling the 4 crater for 8 mil, also why not just put it on the in game market?
  16. I wanted you to get it so bad
  17. I guess but i mean still kinda bs if you dont find them
  18. Frog Legs


    holy can i join your gang
  19. bruh why the hell are bones that match the color of the ground still how you find combat loggers. Why don't you change it to something that isn't the same depressing color as the rest of the map. Make it like bright green or something, it doesn't make sense why are we giving people who are breaking the rules a fair chance? not a vigi btw
  20. im not smart and for some reason i cant delete or edit it https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198242073426/#sort=order
  21. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242073426
  22. you are dumb as hell
  23. Shut up retard
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