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Everything posted by Bubba

  1. Bubba's back baby!!

    1. SPBojo


      Hurray! good to see your back buddy!

  2. Playing some H1Z1 with Poseidon if anyones interested come hangout! http://www.twitch.tv/bubbbbba

  3. So theres another Bubba that plays on server 3 I guess thats been RDMing and stuff so just clearing things up thats not me!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubba


      hahah James it makes me want to change my name, I talked to him and he said he wont change it

    3. Bubba


      some peoples kids man

    4. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Lol well you are some ones kid man ha ha

  4. Been on vacation visiting family for the holidays, nice little short break but feels good to be able to come back to such a nice community :)

    1. Jorbis
    2. Warfare


      dont listen to him. hes still not on steam

    3. Snake


      Welcome back. Queue up that theme song.

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